6. Natalía Accosi everybody

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6. Natalía Accosi everybody

"You can put me down now," I said, once I pulled my lips from his. "No." He reached in for another kiss. My palm blocked his face before he could get anywhere close to my lips again. "Put me down Paxton. You have enough problems to deal with as is." He sighed but reluctantly released me. Once my feet touched the ground I stepped away and looked around his office. How did he manage to get us all the way up here without breaking our kiss, I didn't know.

As soon as I had finished with my inspection of his office my glare turned to him. "What the hell was that? Didn't I tell you that no matter what is said you should keep your cool and not lose your temper? You're only making things worse." I clicked on the big screen TV he had in his office and just as I suspected it was already over the news. "Do you see this?" He shrugged. "Your first official day back into society and this is what happens. Do you not have any control over your temper?"
"He disrespected my family, what did you expect me to do? Stand there and take it? I'd do it all over again no regrets. Besides, you're the damn PR officer. Fix it."
"Fix it? Fix it? The police are probably already on their way here. The only fixing of shit that's happening today will be you going down to the station." He advanced on me. "If you are as good as you say you are you'll make this go away. I don't respond well to people disrespecting my family. I don't care who you are. Talk bad about my family and a punch to the face will be the least of your worries."

He took a seat behind his huge mahogany desk and totally ignored my presence. That was fine by me. I was too angry to deal with his immature ass anymore anyway. Besides, I had problems of my own. My little lip-lock action did not go unnoticed by the media. If anything they were more interested in me now than they were before. I could have possibly made the situation worse.

Damn, damn, damn it all to hell! Ugh! Stupid reporters! I wanted to hit something. I paced back and forth around the office. My brain was working at very fast speed. I was trying to come up with a way to spin this so I don't look like a whore and he doesn't add an assault charge to his record. Think Natalía. Think.

The intercom buzzed in the room and I raced to get to it. "Marc Paxton's office."
"Ugh the cops are here." Ugh? Is that in any way professional? What kind of people does he have working in this office anyway? "Thank you. Send them in."

"Officers, how may I be of assistance to you today?" I addressed them with my award winning smile. I didn't miss when their eyes raked over my body appreciatively. "You are?"
"Natalía Accosi, head of public relations here at Paxton Corp. Nice to meet you officers."
"The pleasure is all ours Ms. Accosi." I noticed his voice had dropped a couple octaves. The clearing of a throat behind me drew the officers from the lust filled gaze they were in.

"I'm Marc Paxton. How may I be of assistance today officers?" I noticed his tone was less than friendly. If he kept it up they would arrest him for sure. "I'm sure you know why we are here, but if you'd like us to go into details we can do it down at the station with your lawyers present."
"My lawyers are busy at the moment. Am I under arrest?"
"We were told to bring you in." He scoffed. I decided to defuse the situation before it got any worse. "Officers, I'm sure we can settle this matter outside of court." I gave them a flirtatious smile. "It wouldn't look good for my client to be seen going out in cuffs just a day after his release." They both flushed under my gaze. "I'm sure we can work this out."
"Well the thing is, Ms. Accosi, the reporter is pressing charges and there is nothing we can do about it."
"I see. Can I talk to you both outside?" They looked in Marc's direction. "He isn't going anywhere. Trust me." My smile seemed to work on them because they led the way out of the office without any further complaints. I gave Marc the look that said he owed me big time, before following after them. He just shrugged and sat behind his desk once again.

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