31. Set up

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31. Set up

I gripped the phone tightly in my hand. How dare she insinuate such nonsense? She really had some nerve texting my phone. Hell! She had some nerve being in New York after the stunt she pulled. It was time I handled this woman to woman.

"Where are you going?"
"I have to go meet someone."
"At this hour? It's almost midnight."
"I know. The timing sucks, but it's important." I gave him a fake smile I'm sure he saw through. "Well make sure to take one of the cars. I don't want you getting in a cab at this late hour." I nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. The thing I loved about Marc was that he never really showed his jealousy. I knew he was burning with questions but refrained from asking them. I guess he was trying to trust me. How else would you describe it? Which man would allow their wife to go out at almost midnight with a vague explanation about meeting someone?

I drove with a fire and rage within me that focused on only one person, Andrea. It was time I put everything to rest, because both of us cannot stay in the same city. I don't care if the mayor of New York himself is on her side. Either she goes or I go.

I pulled into the parking lot of the shabby looking hotel and double checked the address I was given. Not that I expected anything better. Andrea was a classless bitch, therefore this area suited her perfectly.

"You're here. That was fast." She came out of the shadows. I would have been startled if I wasn't so angry. "I'm here, so say what you have to say so we can get to the good part, you disappearing for good." She scoffed loudly. "As if. I'm not going anywhere. Let's go in shall we? I don't think this is a conversation you want to have out in the open. The area might not be popular, but we are ladies after all."
"Correction, I'm a lady. You're just a prostitute who doesn't know when to stay in her lane." I could see that my words had affected her, but surprisingly she didn't bite back like I thought she would.

"How about a drink?"
"I'm not here to break bread and drink wine with you. Get to the point so I can go back to my husband." I took a seat gracefully, careful not to touch anything in this less than appealing hotel. "Husband? Oh please, like Marc would ever marry you."
"Believe what you wish." I waved her on. "Now tell me exactly how Marc has been supporting you all this time? That's why I came here, to hear all the glorious details."

Knowing the type of person Marc was, I'd be surprised if he didn't help her out. He was really a good guy. "He would never marry you!"
"Calm down there. Whether we're married of not is none of your business."
"It is my business!"
"Okay then, it's quite obvious you're grasping at straws, so I'll just leave now." I got to my feet.

"Did you know he bought me an apartment, one almost like his?" I paused and she smirked. "I'm happy for you. That means you are no longer homeless." Okay I wasn't thrilled that he bought her an apartment, but we'll talk about that later.

"In New York, he bought me an apartment in New York. I guess he wanted to have me near him. He also got me a job at one of his partner companies. He must really have feelings for me if he's willing to do all that for me and still pay my bills every month in addition to the very generous allowance he gives me every month. I feel cherished." The whole time she was talking I kept my facial expression neutral. It was no good unleashing my wrath on this poor delusional woman. He should have bought her a room in a psych evaluation centre. That's what he should have done instead of wasting money on a clearly insane person.

"If you are indeed married to Marc, then I guess from his action I'd be considered his mistress. Not the title I was hoping for, but it will have to do for now." She rambled on while I sat with my arms crossed just staring at her. I wanted to laugh at her stupidity. "You might want to ask my ex husband what happened to all those mistresses he had when we were married. I'm a very influential woman Andrea. If I want somebody gone, they'll be gone. The only reason you're still around is because I felt sorry for you. But if you are going to be like this then I suppose the outcome can't be helped." Her features changed. "You called me in the middle of the night to boast about something I already knew? If that isn't desperation then I don't know what is. You might want to get some help with your illness. Now, if there is nothing else to say, I shall take my leave. Marc is waiting after all."

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