32. BANG! You're dead

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32. BANG! You're dead

Andrea Winters
I followed behind then closely in my car so as not to lose them. Everything has been going according to plan, and I couldn't keep the smirk from my face. Tonight is the night I get rid of that bitch and bring Marc back to my side once and for all.

He parked the car and quickly made his way around to the passenger side to help her out. She still hadn't passed out yet. I wasn't worried though. It was only a matter of time. I sat patiently in my car after they went up and waited. I did this so that he would have the right amount of time to do what needed to be done.

After sufficient amount of time had passed, I slipped on my gloves and exited the car. I hummed a tune on the elevator ride up because I was that happy. Luckily, no one was around to see me enter her apartment. I took in the scene before me and smiled in triumph. Everything was exactly as I wanted it to be. I took out the envelope filled with cash and waved it in front his face. "You really do deliver. You're worth every penny."
"I try." He reached for the envelope but I pulled it back quickly. "I just need you to do one more thing for me. Get into bed with her and take some pictures."
"What kind of pictures are we talking about here?"
"You know what kind. Make it look like you're lovers. You might want to lose the shirt to make it more believable."

I could tell he was enjoying this, but I didn't care, just as long as I get what I want. "Are we done?"
"Yes. You've been very helpful." He snatched the envelope from me and turned his back to put on back his shirt. "So why are you doing this anyway?"
"Huh?" I barely heard him because my eyes had landed on something that would be way more useful than the knife I had in my bag. It was a sort of ceramic looking vase. I took it up and nearly buckle under the weight. It was really heavy. You wouldn't know that by just looking at it though. I smiled. It was perfect. His back was still to me as he continued to gather up his belongings. "I said why are you doing this?" I decided not to answer. What's the point in answering anyway? Before he could turn fully to find out the answer, I lifted the vase over my head and brought it down hard connecting it with the back of his head. He collapsed from the blow, but he was still breathing. I couldn't have that. So I brought the vase down again, ensuring it connected with his skull. I did it over and over again until blood splattered across me and the floor and I was sure he was dead. I made sure to retrieve the envelope of cash I had given him earlier and also his cell phone. There was one last thing I needed to do. I wanted to expose that bitch for the slut she is, and I wanted Marc to see her in that light. There was a reason I took up his cell phone. I quickly erased all calls and texts that were made between us before sending Marc a little surprise text.

Thought you would want to know what your bitch is up to.

I made sure to attach all the pictures of the whore before pressing send. There wasn't anything else I needed to do now but to sit back and watch the show from afar. I made sure to exit the apartment the same way I entered, without anyone seeing me.

Marc Paxton
"What the hell do you mean you don't know where she is? You're supposed to be watching her at all times! What the hell do you think I pay you for?"
"Sir we thought you both had retired for the night. We had no idea Mrs. Paxton left the building."
"You're fired. Get out." How the hell can they not know where she is? I rubbed the side of my head roughly. Natalía was giving me a damn headache. Why doesn't she ever listen before getting angry and disappearing on me? What the hell kind of marriage is this? My phone lit up signalling I had a new message. I quickly opened it thinking it was Natalía. I didn't recognize the number.

Thought you would want to know what your bitch is up to.

Anger flared within me when I saw just exactly what kind of message it was. I gripped the phone tightly in my palm to keep myself from smashing it against the wall. There had to be at least a dozen picture of her in bed with some guy naked. I closed my eyes and worked on controlling my breathing. This was not happening. She was not doing this to me.

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