1. Release

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1. Release

Why was I not surprised at this? The man was a billionaire. It would make sense for his name to be on a prison right? Who the hell gets locked up in their own prison? Ridiculous, but genius.

Everything was taken care of thanks to yours truly. He just needs to walk through those prison gates so we can get started on damage control. I stood by the car and checked my watch impatiently. The guy was late. Who the hell is late from being released from prison? This guy was a piece of work.

The not so subtle cough from the driver made me look up. I glared ahead at the man that was supposed to be Marc Paxton.
"Are you sure that's him?"
"Yes ma'am."
"He doesn't look a thing like the pictures."

The man looked like a normal person. From a far his blue jeans and white t-shirt did not scream Marc Paxton. And that long untamed hair with that awful facial hair did not scream sexy. This man looked like a beast that had been living in the wild for too long. The way he strode with confidence though said otherwise. Once he reached us he greeted John who I had come to know was his personal driver. "John, long time no see."
"Welcome back Mr. Paxton." His eyes sauntered over to me and I was captivated by its chocolate brown colour. "Who are you?"

His attitude screamed 'you're beneath me why are you even in my presence?' But I've worked with his kind before so it didn't bother me.

"Natalía Accosi. I'm your new public relations officer." He slid into the car and I did so right after him. "Funny. I don't recall hiring a new PR officer. What happened to the one that was there? What's her name."
"I don't know to whom you're referring. I was assigned to you specifically. Considering you're about to create a circus I'd say you need all the help you can get."
"You have an accent. Where are you from?"
"And yet still you look like the typical American."
"That's because I am American."
"Hmm. Well then, tell whoever hired you to fire you. I'm not in need of a PR officer."
"We need to discuss how you are going to handle re-establishing your image to the world. Not that it was any good to begin with, but I'm sure I can fix it."
"Did you not hear what I just said or is it that you do not understand the English language?"
"Since you were released a day early we have some time before the world goes crazy. For now I would advise you to get cleaned up and do not talk to the press. Any statement you issue will be done through me and anything you say will be written and authorized by me."
"Who did you say hired you?"
"Well technically you signed off on it but I was hired by whoever is running your company now." He scoffed. "I find it hard to believe Andrea would hire you."
"My girlfriend, or ex- girlfriend, secretary, or whatever the hell she's telling people these days."
"I'm sorry. You're telling me that you left your girlfriend in charge of a billion dollar corporation and all its affiliates?" He shrugged. "Somebody had to do it and as you can see I was incapable at the moment."

"John can you give us a minute?"
"Sure Ms. Accosi." I turned to him with my most professional face. I tried to look past all that hair and bush, to actually see a face beneath. "Fire her."
"Look Ms. Accosi, I've been locked up for two years. Now I'm free. If you are a PR officer like you say you are, the first thing you would be concerned about is my physical image which as you can see is in dire need of help. So this is what you are going to do. You are going to get me a stylist, organize for a haircut and ensure I'm fed. I really don't care about my image to the world. All I care about right now are those things I've just listed."

"John," I called him through the slightly opened driver's door. "We're ready. Take us to Mr. Paxton's apartment and ensure you use the back entrance." He nodded and took off. There wasn't really much to see on the way from the prison, but once we got closer to the city I started to take in everything around me. The drive to his apartment was silent, for the most part.

"Is this your first time in New York?"
"We're here." I wasn't interested in having small talk with him. I was here to do a job and that's what I'll be doing. I'll ensure that he's cleaned up and fed then move on to business.

His apartment was just what you'd expect; a bachelor pad. It was huge though. You could fit a family of eight in here. Why would one man need so much space made no sense to me. I glanced around with disinterest. I was used to luxury and the posh lifestyle, so this was nothing new to me.

I was left on my own while his majesty went and took an hour long shower. During that time I had managed to organize for him to get a haircut. It really should not have surprised me that the man had his own salon. What did he not own? He had businesses in every field you could possibly think of. Restaurants, hotels, houses, cars, clothes and the list goes on.

The stylist had arrived and I got out of their way. The only problem I had now was arranging food. It was too risky for him to go out in public but I had no idea what he would like to eat. I racked my brain trying to come up with a solution to the obvious problem.

"What do want to eat?" I called out distractedly. I could always close down a restaurant to avoid the obvious problems, but that depends on him. I took a sip from the bottled water I had opened and looked over some information on my phone. "I'm suddenly in the mood for something Italian." His voice sounded closer than it was a couple of minutes ago. I took my head from out of my phone and looked up. The bottle slipped from my hand and I let out a startled gasp. Gone was the caveman I had been interacting with for the last couple of hours. Before me stood one of God's finer specimen on this earth.

His hair was cut low and to perfection. The tangled mop was nowhere in sight and his face was cleanly shaven. His features stood out now that I got a clear glimpse of his face. Chiseled cheekbones, luscious lips, chocolate brown eyes and his blonde hair had been straightened and cut to fit his features. I hated to admit it, but he was drool worthy. Add to the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt and only had a towel wrapped around his lower half and you could understand why women drooled.

"You're hot."
"Excuse me?" I caught myself before I made more of a fool of myself. "Hot. I'm hot." I started fanning myself. He handed me my water which he had managed to retrieve and I took a sip to calm myself down. "Right, so Italian it is. I'll order and have it delivered." His gaze bored into me. He looked like a completely different man. If you overlooked his lack of clothes you could tell this was a man that held a lot of power. "Not that kind of Italian," he said. What the heck is he talking about? He was suddenly closer than he was a few seconds ago. "I'm in the mood for a special kind of dish." And then he kissed me, which was probably the worst decision he could have ever made. The instant his lips touched mine, my knee connected with his prized jewel. He dropped to his knees clutching his private area.

I lowered myself so that I could look him in the eye while he wreathed in pain. "Never touch or kiss me without my permission." He looked on incredulously and I turned my back on him.
Accosi 1
Paxton 0

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