35. The winners are...

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35. The winners are...

Andrea Winters
"How the hell did this happen? It isn't supposed to happen this way."
"I can give you a few ideas as to how it happened," Josh drawled. "Why did they arrest Marc? It's that bitch who should have been arrested. I can't let this go. She's allowed to roam free while he takes the blame for her? I won't allow it."
"And what are you going to do Andrea? You've done enough already. Your plan didn't work out. Just give up and let this whole thing go. I have."
"I absolutely will not give up. I'll continue until the very end."
"Andrea you're being ridiculous. Please forget about Marc. Let's just live our lives."
"If I have to kill her myself I will. It looks as if that's exactly what I'd have to do."
"Andrea, please!" He gripped my arm and shook me. "Let it go, please."
"What happened to you? You are the one that conspired against your own brother two years ago and framed him. Why are you suddenly growing a conscience? What's changed? Oh, I get it. You have some sort of feelings for that bitch. That's it isn't it?"

"I am tired of all this. The whole point was for me to get Paxton Corp., which I didn't. I even ended up losing my shares. There is no point continuing on this path."
"You can quit if you want to. I won't give up until the very end."
"I guess there's nothing I can say to change your mind. Good luck with whatever scheme you come up with next."

Whatever, I didn't care what he thought. The first thing I would do was go to the police station. Since they seemed to be dragging their feet, I would give them a little push.

Three months later...
"Your honour, this is preposterous. How can he be allowed to represent that person? The case seems to have taken a turn into the too personal direction. His wife is a questionable character in this case and I've been told he and the defendant are friends. The prosecution would like for Mr. Accosi to be removed as his lawyer. We have no problem giving him some time to get another lawyer."

"Sit down Mr. Sage. If you'd bother reading the news you'd know that Mr. Accosi and Mrs. Accosi are no longer married. Therefore it is not a conflict of interest. Their divorce was publicized over a month ago. Also, there is no law that states he cannot defend his ex wife's boss and friend. Now sit down." I smiled to myself. "This is a murder trial, not family court. Now if both sides are ready, I'd like to hear opening arguments. Mr. Sage, you first."

The prosecution took the floor and just as we've discusses among ourselves, they brought up the only point they could. Marc flew into a jealous rage because he caught me in bed with another man, and should not be allowed to get away with this crime because he's rich. I rolled my eyes. I found it very lame in my opinion. Couldn't they have come up with something better than that? Why would Marc Paxton get jealous? He used to get so much pussy he had to turn women down, or so I've heard.

Antonio followed with his opening argument, painting Marc out to be a respectable member of society and listing his stellar achievements and contributions to the society and the city of New York. He also made a point of highlighting the prosecutions bias towards his client.

Because this was a special trial, there wasn't a jury to listen and grant a verdict. The responsibility was on the judge to deliver a verdict.

The prosecution started calling witnesses which only made them look more ridiculous, because none of the witnesses so far knew anything. They were just wasting their time. Antonio didn't bother with cross examination. Luckily, there weren't a lot, and soon enough it was my turn to take the stand.

"Please state your name for the record."
"Natalía Accosi." Yes I still used Antonio's name. "Mr. Sage, proceed."
"Mrs. Accosi, please state your relationship to the deceased."
"Mere acquaintance."
"And how exactly did you meet Noah Brown?"
"In a dance club. He was the bartender there."
"Do you like to drink Mrs. Accosi?"
"Yes when I'm stressed."
"And were you stressed the night Noah Brown was murdered in your apartment?"

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