2. Raging Hormones

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2. Raging hormones

Did I feel bad for kicking him where the sun didn't shine? Can't say that I did. Men like Marc Paxton needed to be taught a lesson. You can't go around taking liberties with whoever you feel. I don't care how rich you are.

I gave him time to recover and ordered different varieties of foods to be delivered. After a couple of minutes he came out dressed and recovered. "I apologize if I offended you." Apology not accepted. I was here for work so I really didn't care about any of that. Therefore, I ignored him.

"I didn't know what you'd like so I ordered a variety."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. You know you really should get an assistant. I'm a PR officer. I shouldn't be doing things like these. That's what assistants are for." He scoffed and shoved some pasta into his mouth. "I hired you right? You work for me. Therefore, if I want you to be my assistant you'll be my assistant. You'll do whatever I tell you to do." He was an arrogant one. Fat chance there.

"Uh huh, well you keep telling yourself that. I have to go. I'll be over early in the morning to discuss how your day is going to go." I made my way to the door and prepared to let myself out. As I was about to open it, it swung open and a tall leggy blonde bombshell rushed in.

"Marc! Oh Marc baby I've missed you so much." She rushed right into his arms that were open and waiting, and started kissing him all over, which he didn't seem to mind.

So that's the kind of women he liked. Maybe I should change my hair colour to keep his attention away from me. I chuckled silently to myself. Yeah, like that's going to happen. I let myself quietly out of the apartment because I definitely did not want to stick around when they're doing it. John offered to give me a ride home although it was only four blocks and I could have walked. But I didn't know the city well so I took him up on his offer. He tried to make small talk on the way home, but I was never one for those things. I hated people talking to me when they don't have to. To put it simply, I hated people in general. I liked being by myself and I liked peace and quiet. It was a mystery to me how in the world I chose a career that had to do with dealing with people and the media, when my personality was so different. I guess because I wasn't the one being focused on. I was more in the background than the forefront, although it wasn't always like that.

I thanked John for dropping me off and took the elevator up to my room. I was in need of some much needed rest. I quickly stripped down, put my hair up in a bun and took a shower. I knew it would take some time for me to fall asleep because I'm never comfortable sleeping in a new place. That was my curse.

It was after I went through all the things I had bought I realized I didn't have anything to sleep in. My usual sleepwear consisted of a long t-shirt or shirt, usually men's one. That's what I was most comfortable in. People would be shocked to know that an heiress would sleep in anything but expensive lingerie.

I got dressed in yoga pants and a tank top and made my way to the gift shop downstairs. I found what I was looking for the minute I stepped in. I bought three I love NY shirts all in different colours and styles. They looked comfortable enough.

Once I was dressed comfortably I made my way to bed. I was just preparing to call it a night when my phone rang. "Ugh," I groaned but answered. "Accosi."
"Mia moglie." (My wife) I rolled my eyes. "Antonio, Ciao." (Hello)
"Come stai?" (How are you?)
"Assonnata." (Sleepy)
"So che in un posto nuovo non riesci a dormire bene è per questo che ho chiamato." (I know you don't sleep well in a new place that's why I called.)
"Grazie Antonio." (Thank you)
We continued our conversation for about another forty-five minutes until I was too tired to respond and we eventually hung up.

"Yes! Oh! Yes! Marc right there! Right there!" I rolled my eyes at her screaming. Andrea's voice could be really annoying sometimes. I was already getting bored. I pounded her from behind for the third time in a row and gripped her huge D cups and squeezed. She loved when I did that.

"Oh yes! That's the spot! Hit it! Oh Marc! Harder baby! Harder!" I pushed her face down into the pillow to stifle her screams. They were really annoying. I was bored and I didn't even come yet. Her cunt didn't feel the same, which means while I was locked up she was out here fucking around, not that I cared, but she needs to drop the 'I missed you so much' girlfriend act. I pulled out of her frustrated.

"Why did you stop baby?"
"I'm bored. You're boring me. I've been away for two years and this is what you come with? We've been fucking for over two hours now and I'm yet to come, while your selfish little ass has been soaking my cock repeatedly. I'm going to take a shower. I want you gone by the time I get out. And send someone else over. Someone better than you."

I took off the condom and threw it in the trash. There was no way I was sticking my prized jewel in her unprotected.

Like I requested, Andrea had disappeared when I exited the shower. My dick didn't seem to want to go down and I was hornier than ever. So when Scarlett showed up I wasn't gentle with her. Not that I ever was. But she managed to get the job done. Well some of the job at least. I fucked her around four times and spilled my seed each time. But I was still horny and she couldn't seem to take anymore. For the fifth time I let her use her mouth on me. Her head skills were good, not great, but they got the job done. You'd think for a man like me it would be easy to find women to satisfy my needs, but they were just all high class nothings and nobodies who couldn't even satisfy a starving man's hunger.

After Scarlett left Antoinette and Antoineque came. They were twins. I did have some fun with them and felt a little better when they left. Threesomes always seemed to cheer me up. My dick was satisfied for now, but I wasn't the least bit sleepy. So I did the only thing a billionaire knows how to do; make money.

I checked on Paxton Corp. which was doing fine. I also checked on all my other businesses and investments which also were doing fine. All in all, my two years absence didn't do much damage to my company, but my character was taking a beating. The internet was going crazy with my pending release. There were also some calls for me to step down as CEO of Paxton Corp. Ha! Like that's going to happen. I'd rather burn that company to the ground before I leave something I built on my own.

I've been called names from criminal, to manwhore, the devil's son, spawn from hell, cold blooded reptile. I laughed out loud. Where do these people come up with these things? Anyway...boring.

I had a certain public relations officer to check up on. If she's employed by Paxton Corp. then her file should be in the employee directory. But that wouldn't tell me what I wanted to know. So I turned to my ever reliable source; Google, and typed in Natalía Accosi.

Whoa. I knew the name sounded familiar. But I didn't know she was thee Natalía Accosi, only daughter of Liam Birke and heiress to the Birke foundation, married to Antonio Accosi and sole owner of Accosi's International Concept, a world renowned fashion agency. Not only is she the owner of Accosi's International Concept, she is the face of the company. She has many charities which she contributes to and has many stores around the world which only carries her designs. She's a business woman, fashion designer, model (used to be) and one of the best Public Relations Officer in Europe. She is in charge of PR at Birke's and Associates and also Accosi's International.

Heiress is an understatement. She was almost as rich as me. Almost. Who am I kidding? She probably was richer than me. Her husband was one of the richest men in Europe and her father wasn't far behind.

I could benefit a lot from having ties to the Accosi name. Antonio Accosi dabbled in business, law, trading, and oil among other things. I have yet to put my foot in the oil market. From what I understand Accosi's International Concept was created and owned by him, but this is saying that his wife is the sole owner. Hmm, I'd have to find out more about that later. It would be good to have Natalía Accosi on my side. But how does one get to a married woman?

Who am I kidding? I'm Marc Paxton. Seduction of beautiful women was my area of expertise. Natalía Accosi was going to be hit with hurricane Paxton and she didn't even know it.

I smiled, and closed my eyes drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

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