21. Nihon (Japan)

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21. Nihon (Japan)

"How the hell am I supposed to model with these things on my body?" My hands balled into fists.
"Calm down. It's not like they can't cover them up."
"You did this on purpose. Couldn't you have a waited one day? One fucking day, Marc!" He stood there smirking at me.
"They're just love bites, Natalía. I for one like how they look on you."
"Love bites? Love bites!" I punched his chest. "Look at me! I'm red all over." He must have realized I wasn't joking by the look on my face, because me pulled me close to him and apologized. "I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional. I just got a little carried away."
"Be glad I'm in a good mood. I'll get back at you for this Marc."
"Is that a promise?"
"Something tells me that's what you were hoping for. You're impossible!" I rolled my eyes.

"Shouldn't you be going home to pack?"
"John already packed for me."
"You let your driver pack for you?"
"He's done it before. He shrugged. "You're the one that should pack."
"I'm just taking my hand bag. I'll buy whatever I need there."
"You should at least take a pair of clothes."
"Why? It's not like we're flying commercial."
"If you're worrying about James, he won't be travelling with us. He's offered to go with Yuki instead."
"Meaning you bribed him to go with her. What did you promise him?"
"What makes you think I promised him anything?"
"Because you're Natalía Accosi. You don't do anything without thinking it through first."
"It doesn't matter what I promised him. What's important is that you'll have me all to yourself for fourteen hours of uninterrupted sex. Let's join the mile high club together, Paxton."
"I'm already a member baby."
"So am I; VIP."
"Was that really necessary?"
"With you? Yes."

"Are you sure you'll be okay? You won't have any time to rest between when we arrive and the fashion show."
"I'll be fine Marc. Have you forgotten I use to do this for a living?"
"If you're sure."
"I am. You need to be worrying about Yuki." I laughed. "You can't possibly hide from her once we get there."
"You're having a field day with this aren't you?"
"Yup," I said popping the 'p' at the end. "You deserve it." I kissed him quickly just to get rid of the frown that had appeared on his face, or maybe it was just because I found him so damn attractive. Either way, kissing led to touching and touching led to fucking.

I moaned loudly as I sank down on his cock in one of the plush aeroplane seat. There was a bedroom. We could have taken ourselves there, but where's the fun in that? I rode him fast and hard. I didn't know if it was the thrill of being so many feet in the air in a private jet, or if it was because sex with Marc Paxton was just so damn good, but I think I came the hardest I've ever had in my life. His cock filled my inside so damn well. When he bit my earlobe and growled roughly for me to cum, I had no choice but to obey. It was so hot. Even though I was the one riding him he still proved to be the one in charge, and my body knew that.

"I love how you respond to me."
"You love how my body responds to you."
"One in the same." I rested my head against his chest using it as support to catch my breath. He was quiet, which is why I knew he was thinking about something really hard. "What's wrong?"

"Are you sure you want to do this? You know what you're giving up right?"
"I'm not giving up anything if you really think about it. I'll be gaining something and you will be too. We can work out the fine print at a later date."
"You like me that much?" I scoffed. "Let's just say I'm not as opposed to being with you as I had initially thought."
"You still can't admit to having feelings for me. Is it that scary? You're that terrified."
"I'm not terrified of admitting anything."
"I think I just found your weakness Natalía. You're scared of feeling. You think feeling makes you weak."
"I wonder what else you're scared of."
"Why are you still talking?"
"Love perhaps?"
"Love? Oh please."

"Did you even love your husband?"
"We are not talking about this. I don't believe in love."
"You're scared of love. There's a difference."
"Are you a psychologist now?" He held up both palms in surrender. "All right I'll drop the topic for now."

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