Chapter 1

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A horrible, throbbing pain erupted beneath my skull.

It felt like someone had taken a sludgehammer, and bashed my head in with it.

I tried to raise my hand to my head, in attempts to ease the pain, but it felt like my hands weighed tons.

Confusion contorted my thoughts, as I tried to open my eyes.

I pryed them open a sliver, using as much strength that I had just to lift my eyelids.

My eyes focused in and out, everything around me was blurred to an unimaginable point.

I blinked several times, more confusion filling me as I continued to gaze at my surroundings.

I currently was lain on the cold tile ground, blood splattered across the floor.

A pair of scissors lay above my head, blood coating one of the blades.

I forced myself up, groaning as an unbearable pain shot through my every muscle with any subtle movements.

I looked over my current surroundings again. What had happened?

My left arm felt as though it had been set on fire, burning with a deep searing pain.

I lifted it up to my face, a gasp escaping my lips.

I gently ran my fingers over the letters carved into my arm, as dried blood dripped down the open wounds. My knuckles were split open, exposing bloody flesh underneath..

My mind was completely blank, as I soothingly rubbed my temples.

Fear suddenly filled my stomach, as every memory came crashing down onto me..

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