Chapter 5

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"Dr.D to BN do you read?"

I pressed my index finger over my earpiece. "Yes Dr.D, whats up?" I responded, taking a puff off my cigerette.

"They should be headin' your way." He spoke, his voice muffled through the transmission.

I stood up from where I leaned against the side of my small cottage, glancing out towards Route Guano.

I exhaled a cloud of smoke, flicking my cigerette to the ground. "Killjoys spotted, thanks Dr.D." I finished, turning off the ear piece.

Multiple diffrentiated sets of vehicles sped down the main road, right towards where I stood.

I smiled proudly, as they appeared at my front driveway.

I jogged inside, climbing up on top of the roof. By groups, the swarm of killjoys formed a larger group beneath me.

They all stared up at me in acknowledgment, something they wouldn't have even thought of doing before I met the Four.

"Look alive Killjoys! I'm Black Nebula, and as you already might know, in the past I had proudly worked alongside the Fabulous Four, the most amazing set of killjoys around. They aren't here with us today.." I began to feel my heart clench, but I stood strong.

"But in recognition of their past leadership, I am announcing a suicide mission to once and for all take down Better Living Industries!"

A chorus of excited murmurs rang through the crowd.

"Will you join me in this rendezvous?"

Soon a mosh pit started within the groups, as they screamed with agreements and victory chants.

I jumped down from my roof, running over to my bike.

The killjoys followed, as they filed into their own set of transportation. I revved up my motor as loud as I could. Whoops and cheers rose through the air.

I kicked it into drive, roaring off onto the road, all vehicles following in close persuit.

This was it. We were finally going to win this battle.


The dust induced air, soon morphed into a thick cloud of smog, as we drove farther into Bat City.

As we drove with caution, I searched my surroundings.

New billboards were plastured along the side of every building, the Industry's smiley face logo found around every inch of this broken city.

A certain sign caught my eye. I squinted my eyes, as I read "Take your daily pills, and live a better life!"

Daily pills? I had never heard of this new pill before, must be a new production.

I led the killjoys near the edge of the City, where our vehicles couldn't be spotted.

I hopped off my bike, mingling with the other killjoys. I pulled out two of my black guns, trying to steady my hands.

I turned on my earpiece, so everyone could hear me.

"Okay, here's the plan nice and simple. You are to stay outside of the Industry's building, and elliminate all of the dracs you possibly can."

I sighed, running my fingers nervously through my hair.

"I will go inside, and shut down the main processing system, shutting down all draculoids in the process." I sucked in a sharp breath.

"If all else fails, and I do not make it out in a maximum of 15 minutes, then all killjoys will report back to the zones, back to safety. I hope to see you guys on the other side..."

After finishing my report, I turned back off my earpiece, making sure I could no longer get any more transmissions.

I steadied my breathing, as I began to sprint towards the building. A tear slid down my cheek, but I hastily rubbed it away.

I sped up my sprint, pulling out my gun from it's secluded holster. I clicked it off of safety, keeping it close to my side.

I signaled for the killjoys to stay close, as I got up against the concrete wall.

They remained near the outer edge, farther away from any visuals.

I peeked around the corner. They had also changed the main entrance from last time I had broke in. I shook my head, a smirk playing on my lips.

Time for hell to break loose.

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