Chapter 9

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What a fun word.

Sure, its a feeling. An emotion. But it can be muliple things.

Happiness, is all I know.

I'm numb, nothing affects me. But this is total euphoria.

I gazed between the bars on the window, rays of tangerine sunlight filtered between them, displaying contrasting lines on the dark wall above my head.

What was beyond those bars?

I wasn't interested in the idea. I was completely content in here, in my darkened cell.

I sighed, squeezing my body tighter into my corner.

The air wavered in my vision, like a trip on acid.

I leaned my head back, resting against the wall.

The sunlight began to fade.

Soon, the sky would be coated in a sheet of black. And I would have no choice, but to curl up in my corner, and wait for the sun to rise again.

But it's okay, happiness is my company.

The darkness comforted me. It surrounded me, like blackened fog.

I wrapped my arms around my legs, a comforting gesture. I rested my head on top of my knees, listening to my soft heartbeat.

I pulled on a strand of my long hair, that fell over my face like a curtain.

Had I always had brown hair?

It had to be my natural color. I laughed to myself.

Well why else would it be this color?

For some odd reason, I wasn't used to the color. It felt, like I was supposed to have a different color.

I laughed aloud again. I'm rediculous.

Suddenly, sporatic visions flashed before my eyes.

I squeezed my eyes shut, as a raging headache pounded at my head.

Then, as sudden as they appeared, they vanished.

What the hell.

I breathed heavily, running a hand through my straight hair.

That was so weird. What had the images been?

They were so blurry. Inresponsive. I wished I had seen it.

It was the first dream, or day dream, I've ever had.

At least, since I could remember..

I relaxed again against the wall, leaning my head to rest against the cool stone.

The sky was a velvety dark purple, as diamond stars twinkled throughout the sky.

But, it was so hard to see. So many street lights.

I like the night sky.

Whenever I peer outside of my window, a certain calmness spreads over my chest.

A smile formed across my face, as my eyes slowly drifted shut.

The dark sky morphed into my dark abyss of thoughts.

Bulletproof Heart -MCR Killjoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now