Chapter 12

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I began to scream, my lungs burning from my horrified attempts.


A warm hand suddenly grasped my shoulder, gently shaking me.

I gasped, trying to fill my lungs with air.

My heart pounded, as I sat up, darting my eyes around the room.

"Shhh hey hey, you're okay.."

A man sat in front of me.

His big, pronounced hazel eyes gazed affectionetely into mine.

Who was he..?

He gently scooted closer to my shaking body, wrapping his arms securly around me.

This gesture felt strange to me...almost too realistic.

I found myself melting into his touch, closing my eyes as I relaxed onto his chest.

He began to rock me, soothing me.

Why did he intrigue me so much?

Oh God the nightmares...

That girl..she was so familiar.

My head ached horribly as I thought about her.

And her blood...oh God the blood!!

There was so much blood.

My body began to tremble again, as the gorrifying images flashed behind my eyes.

I shook my head, trying to force them back.

"When the lights go out, will you take me with you?"

His angelic voice filled the hushed air.

Birds chirped outside the barred window, singing their own tune.

My heart stopped, as I listened intently.

"And carry all this broken bone.

"Through six years down in crowded room, and highways I call home."

I closed my eyes, feeling his voice drift through my ears.

"Is something I can't know 'till now, 'till you picked me up off the ground.

"With brick in hand, Your lipgloss smile, your scraped up knees..

"And if you stay, I would even wait all night.."

His voice quivered, as he continued the song.

"Or until my heart explodes. How long?

"Until we find our way, in the dark and out of harm.

"You can run away with me, anytime you want.."

A tear slid down my cheek, but it wasn't mine.

What had been behind the lyrics?

I felt him lower his head, kissing my hair.

My heart swelled, as an overwhelming feeling blossomed over my chest.

He was about to sing again, when the door opening cut him off.

We both jolted up, seperating.

My tray was slid inside, before it slammed back shut.

I automatically climbed over to it, grabbing at the pill.

But something grabbed my torso, pulling me back.

Confusion filled me, as I was pulled towards the other side of the room.

I faught against him, my intoxicated urge to take my pill was overpowering me.

"Nebula." He warned.

Who was Nebula he kept referring to??

He suddenly twisted me around. His eyes caught mine, locking me in a hynotic gaze.

His hazel orbs desperetely searched my eyes, his intensity causing a fluttering sensation in my stomach.

What was happening?

He inched closer to me, slowly lowering his gaze to my lips.

He softly grazed his lips over mine, the fluttering immedietely raging to an uproar.

My heart pounded, but for whatever reason I wasn't sure.

I found it hard to breath, as he pressed me against him.

But he stopped, pulling away.

He looked back into my lost eyes, letting out a saddened sigh.

"I can' don't love me."

He turned away, as confusion furrowed my brow.

What just happened?

Bulletproof Heart -MCR Killjoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now