Chapter 4

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-Six Months Later-

The swollen wood creaked below my feet. I sighed lightly, running my fingers through my long purple hair.

I went into the bathroom down the hall, flipping on the lightswitch. The light flickered on, buzzing with shorted wires.

I swiped my long hair over my shoulder, a dusgusted look etching my features.

I decided to put on some makeup, this being something I haven't done in years.

I put on a smokey eye eyeshadow, rimming my lids and waterline. I applied a thick line of eyeliner, and caked on some mascara, stretching my eyelashes farther than usual.

I changed my scorn into a more pleasant looking smile, though it wasn't very convincing.

I gave up, walking away from the mirror, and into my room.

I stripped out of my house clothes, changing into a black, loose-fitting sleevless blouse.

I pulled on my shaply black skinny jeans, looping my black holster around my thigh. I wrapped my bullet studded belt through my belt loops. The bullets looked like the ones you would use in the guns before the Helium Wars.

I picked up my pale purple bandana, folding it and wrapping it around my thigh above my holster.

I sat down on top of my makeshift bed, grabbing my black leather boots. I slipped them on, before getting back up.

I walked over to my mirror, picking up my black leather jacket I stole from the Dead Pegasus gas station.

The Dead Pegasus symbol, matching the one on Party's jacket, was plastured above my left breast.

I folded the sleeves up to my elbows, running my fingers through my hair.

I looked over the carvings on my arm, darting my eyes over the words. I shook my head, walking over to the island in my kithen.

I picked up my ray gun. I had painted it with a jet black paint, with splotches of purples, marines and fushias throughout it, making it look like a starry nebula.

I twirled it around my finger, before shoving it into my holster.

I grabbed my pack of cigerettes, pulling one out for myself. I flicked my lighter, igniting the tip of my cigerette.

I shoved the pack and lighter into my back pocket, along with an extra set of ammo. I picked up my set of black Aviators, sliding them on over my eyes.

I inhaled on my cigerette, holding the filter between my index and middle finger.

I walked out of the miniature house, latching the creaky door behind me.

I walked over to the dirt driveway, swinging my leg over the side of Silver's Bike.

I looked down, smiling at the front end of the bike. I stroked my fingers over my black paint job, which read "In Memory of my Beautiful Willow."

A sigh sifted through my lips, as I started up the bike.

I put the cigerette back between my lips, driving over the dune that sheltered my little hideout. I sped up once I reached Route Guano, my long hair whipping behind me, pumping down towards the well known Dr.Death's radio station.

About half an hour later I reached the HQ, parking my bike around the side like old times.

I got off of the bike, propping it on the kickstand.

I took out another cigerette, lighting it and taking a drag.

I walked up to the entrance, knocking a few times. The cameras stared down at me intimidatingly.

I flicked my cigerette towards them, adjusting my aviators over my big green eyes.

The door swung open, revealing a disoriented Show Pony. His eyes lit up when they landed on me.

"Hey Nebula!" He exclaimed.

I attempted a smile, hugging him around the shoulders. He stepped to the side, allowing me in.

I nodded, stepping inside. The floor groaned under my boots, as I looked around the place. Killjoys lounged around, talking amongst themselves.

"Well if it isn't Black Nebula." A voice came from behind me. I twisted around, smiling down at Dr.Death.

He reached out his hand, grasping mine tightly. "Its been too long. How are you?" He asked with caution.

I walked over to the near counter, hopping up to sit atop it. I took another long drag off of my cigerette, crushing the remains down on top of the counter.

"I've been doing okay, getting through." I nodded. He nodded back in acknowledgment.

"Dr.Death, I have some things we need to discuss." I began. He smiled kindly, allowing me to continue.

I crossed my legs, removing my Aviator sunglasses. I clipped them over the neck of my shirt.

"I have a mission, a very complicated one at that, that I have been planning hard core for over 7 months now. Actually, I've been planning this since Silver was alive.." I bit my lip, forcing back the tears.

"I need reassurance. I know I won't live to feel my victory, but I very much plan to make this victorious. I am exterminating Korse."

His eyes widened, but never showed hesitance. Yes, he was thrown off a bit, but a smirk suddenly crossed his lips.

"Yes you are Nebula." Was all he said.

He smiled widly up at me, taking my hands in his.

"They would want me to do this." I whispered. "I can do it. I just needed you to know, who the real heroes are. Better Living has to be taken down, and I plan to do it by sunset tomorrow." I finished.

He nodded, furrowing his eyebrows. "Just be careful. I don't want to lose another friend. You're their leader Nebula, and you are our only hope."

I nodded, a stern look plastured on my face. He smiled again, nodding his head.

I sighed, jumping off of the counter. I shook his hand, smiling diligently.

I walked over to the door, hugging Show Pony once again.

I walked out of the warehouse like HQ, strolling over to my bike.

I got on my bike once again. I put on my Aviators, running a hand nervously through my hair.

I started up the bike, speeding off over the hot desert horizon.

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