Chapter 18

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Korse twirled a syringe between his fingers, peering around at all of our faces.

He held the syringe up to the blunt yellow light, which shone from the light fixture in the middle of the damp room.

A thick, black substance sloshed around inside of it, sticking to the glass of the cylindric container.

He trailed his eyes around the circle, then finally landing on me.

He tilted his head to the side, a smile curving up his lips.

" about you?"

My breath caught in my throat, my eyes widening.

I shook my head frantically, as he stepped closer to me.

"Now dont you cry...this will only hurt a lot." He snickered.

"NOO!!" Party screamed.

Korse quickly swiveled around, glaring at Party.

I squeezed my eyes shut, tears developing in my eyes.

"Ah! I knew you had a soft spot Party Poison. Looks like I know exactly who's going first."

He looked back over towards me, but didn't approuch like I thought he would. Instead, he turned around, walking towards Party.

I began shaking my head again, words not forming on my tongue.

Party glared up towards him, his jaw muscles flexing, tears dripping down his pronounced cheeks.

Korse forcefully grabbed Party's bright hair in his fist, pushing his head to the side.

He jabbed the syringe into the crevis of his neck, plunging the thick liquid into his veins.

A blood curdling scream erupted from Party's lips.

Korse backed away, watching in amusment.

Party threw his head back, curling his fingers into tight fists as every muscle in his body tensed.

"Party!!" The blonde cried.

I began violently sobbing, as Party's pain enduced scream filled the air.

His veins popped out at his temple, as he continued to scream, tears flowing down his face.

Then he stopped, the air becoming heavy and stiff. I looked up with wide eyes, as Party's head lolled forward his muscles relaxing.

His eyes were closed, and he became extremely stiff.

My breathing was fast and shallow, as my heart pounded in my chest.

Korse turned towards me, then the rest of the group, wearing a huge grin.

'Who's next?"

I shook my head violently, tears dripping down my face, as I watched Party's red hair drape over his face in greasy strands.

"What about you Ghoul? Lets have some fun."


I looked up, to see the boy with long black hair look up with wide eyes.

"You can't hurt me Korse. I'll fight until your dead and gone. You won't win."

A sarcastic laugh erupted from Korse's lips, shaking the walls.

"Oh no Fun have it all wrong. Once I inject this solution into you..there will be no issue with obeying to my command. I've already won."

With that, korse plunged the black liquid into his veins.

Ghoul squeezed his eyes shut, gritting his teeth together.

Quiet sobs escaped my lips, as I watched Korse inject the strange substance into the other boys.

"Well look who's left?"

I tried to steady my breathing, as I carefully looked up at him.

"Was it painful? Watching your friends suffer?"

"You're a horrible person!" I screamed.

A scowl formed on his lips. He grabbed my hair, bringing me closer to him.

"I may be horrible...but I sure do pull it off."

A scream clawed out of my lungs, as he sinked the needle into my skin.

I could feel the thick liquid seep into my veins. Suddenly, the liquid began to burn every inch of my body, as it pumped through my blood.

My heart rate sped up to an unrealiztic speed, as my head pounded with an unbearable pain.

"See you soon Nebula."

All of the sudden, the pain subsided, sinking deeper into a numbing euphoria.

My world spun, as my conciousness dipped into pitch black nothingness.

Bulletproof Heart -MCR Killjoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now