Chapter 7

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My gun clattered across the floor, just barely out of my reach.

"You...can't..take me down Korse. I won't stop fighting." I seethed.

He let out a low, humerous laugh.

"Oh, so now the pathetic Black Nebula, has finally grown quite cocky. Huh, maybe because you lost your main weakness."

He smirked down at me, his eyes holding a distant secret, but I couldn't tell what it might be.

The draculoid that kicked out the back of my knees, gripped tightly onto my arms.

I growled, as I swung my leg around, taking a quick blow to his legs.

He stumbled a bit. I took my chance, to wrap my legs around his torso, bringing him to the ground.

Korse stood in the distance, watching as his drac collapsed with a hard thud to the ground.

I maneuvered around the dracs body, pinning his arms down with both of my knees.

I pulled out the knife from inside my boot, holding it against the drac's neck.

A sudden clapping startled me, as it filled the air.

I turned to see Korse, still wearing his smirk, as he stepped closer.

"Well done Nebula..your stronger than before."

I was suddenly thrown backwards, my head colliding with the ground, resinating a cracking noise. My knife was thrown frim my grip.

The drac pinned me down with full forse, suffocating me.

"Let's do something about that..." Korse snickered.

The drac suddenly pulled out a seringe, the thick, grey liquid filled the container.

My eyes widened, as I used all the energy I had, attempting to throw him off.

He plunged it into the crevis of my neck, releasing all of the suspicious liquid inside of my body.

A blood curdling scream erupted from my lips, as the solution pulsed through my veins.

It burned every inch of my body, as it quickly began to sink in.

I continued to scream, as my head throbbed. My heart raced, pumping my veins with searing drugs.

My eyes began to focus in and out, my thoughs quickly plummeting into a dark abyss.

My heart slowly began to slow down, as Korse's menacing eyes faded out into complete darkness.

My entire body was released of any tension, as a sudden happiness flowed through me..

Bulletproof Heart -MCR Killjoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now