Chapter 3

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I slammed the doors open, walking around the side of the building.

I breathed heavily, bracing myself for what I was about to do.

I landed my eyes on the silver bike, nastalgia filling my thoughts.

I forced my legs to stay standing, as I made my way all the way over to the bike.

I had to crash my pity party. I had to stop being so fucking pathetic, and finally finish this mission.

The mission that has taken me and Silver so long trying to accomplish, the mission that has taken so many lives.

And now, it was my turn to avenge them. This was for Silver, and for my fallen boys.

I sucked in a breath, as I hopped onto Silver's bulky rocket bike. I started it up with the spare keys she kept attatched to the handlebars, revving it up.

I kicked up the kick stand it was propped up on, blazing out onto the dirt road. Dust kicked up behind me, in a heavy cloud above my head.

I drove at max speed. Speed never had limits out here in the desert, since there was never any other traffic.

I had no idea where I was heading, just as long as it was away from the painful memories.

The sun rose up behind me, canvasing the sky in a beautiful set of blues and pinks. But the sunrises meant nothing to me anymore.

I lost all interest in them, without Party or Silver to watched them with me.

I sighed, sorrow filling my heart.

How long this journey was going to take me, was also a mystery.

But I knew that it was important to them, and to every killjoy in the Zones, and thats all that mattered.


I apoligize for my extremely short chapters, but I promise that they'll get longer.


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