Chapter 11

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"Evenin' tumbleweeds. Desert sunset lookin' mighty shiny. Dr.Death here, pumpin' out your slaughtermatic sounds to keep you 'live. Here's Sharpest Lives."

The song began to play, starting off with a great tune, then the words filled the melody.

Ghoul's face was suddenly taken over by his huge smile. "I used to love this song!" He exclaimed.

He began mouthing to the words, making everyone else laugh. He hopped off the counter, dancing around to the beat.

The song soon ended, to be replaced with a new one, which I assumed was called Na Na Na.

Fun Ghoul jumped up and down in excitement. "This song is cool too!" He yelled.

Silver jumped off of her stool, rushing over to Ghoul. She began to dance along, a gigantic smile plastured on her face.

Kobra kid turned to look at them, a crooked smile nudging at the corners of his lips, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Silver danced over to him, gesturing for him to join, but he shook his head as he waved her off.

She just rolled her eyes, before smiling even more, and grabbing his hand.

She pulled him up, dragging him over to where they were dancing.

Fun Ghoul laughed, as he encouraged Kobra to dance. Party suddenly got up, rushing over to the dance floor.

He ushered for me to join. I rolled my eyes, but I obliged.

Smiles formed on everyones faces, as we all danced together...

A scream escaped my lips, as I jolted up from the floor.

A searing pain burned the inside of my skull.

It felt like someone had tried to pry my skull open, and retrieve a hidden message from deep within my brain.

And it hurt like hell.

I tried to slow my breathing, as I closed my eyes.

I looked around the room, a  crumpled sillhouette catching my attention.

I crawled over to the curlee up figure, only the full moonlight illuminating the cell.

I turned it over, to see a gorgeous girl's face, her long silver hair falling over her opened emerald eyes.

I gasped, as I looked closer.

The side of her face was completely missing, exposing torn, bloody flesh and white bone.

I scrambled away from her, to see her blood coating my hands.

I sucked in a shaky gasp, as I desperetely wiped it away.

Blood suddenly began to bubble from her mouth and eyes.

I stared horrified, as it began to pour like a river down her face, completely coating it until it was unrecognizable.

A high pitch scream filled the stiff air.

I pressed my palms over my ears, but it increasingly got louder.

It blared my eardrums, as her blood covered my toes, building up into a thick crimson pool.

Suddenly, the floor gave out, and I found myself falling.

I tried to scream, but it was like I was unable to.

The blackness surrounded me, until my own body dissipated into the darkness..

Bulletproof Heart -MCR Killjoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now