Chapter 19

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"Get up.."

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My eyelids fluttered open, the pounding of my heart deafened me.


I lifted my head up, meeting my eyes with a cold set of hazel orbs.

"Get the hell up. Time to get a move on."

I blinked several times, before doing exactly what I was told.

The man stepped away, marching towards the door of the dark cell I slept in.

He wore a full draculoid attire, everything except the vampire mask.

His blonde hair falling in droopy strands in his face.

I followed him out the door.

"There you are. The hell took you so long? C'mon get dressed."

A man with shoulder length brown hair ordered. His face was oddly familiar...just like the blonde. But I dont ever recall seeing them before.

I looked down upon myself, to see that I had been completely stripped down to my underwear and bra.

"What are you waiting for?"

Now the black haired man spoke, his voice impatient.

A set of clothes sat on a chair outside the entrance of my room.

I obeyed my command, grabbing the clothes and slipping them on.

They fit a little loosely around my body, probably because I was mostly skin and bones.

I followed as everybody slipped on their masks.


I looked up from buttoning my white blazor jacket, to see a man standing before me.

I looked through the holes in his mask, to see two brown irises.

I then looked down at what he was gesturing towards me.

I gingerly grabbed the gun from his hands, sliding it into a white holster strapped to my side.

"Korse's orders. We have training today, so get a move on."

I obeyed all of the brunette's words.

He then fully slipped on his mask, blending in perfectly with the surrounding dracs.

Our group followed him down the radiant white corridor.

We stopped a large grouping room.

We stepped inside, lining up behind a bigger set of dracs, who stood in order before Korse himself.

Korse...I've heard of him before.


I lifted my eyes up to the front, to see Korse waiting for our approval.

"You all are under my command. You're undergoing your first round of training today. So do your absolute best, or you'll suffer extreme consequences."

He signaled to the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W at the entrance of the door.

He nodded in command, before signaling us back to the corridor.

He led us down a long corridor, before stopping at a large, glass inspection room.

"Training starts now."

Bulletproof Heart -MCR Killjoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now