Chapter 17

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My lip quivered, as I followed the bald man with my eyes.

He conversed with his draculoid men, glancing over at me, then back at them.

He quickly swiveled around, locking eyes with me.

"Were gonna try something...dangerous today." He grinned, as he slowly stepped closer.

He turned towards the boys, seeming to be in thought.

He snapped his fingers, ordering his men to approuch him.

They followed his command, without hesitation.

I furrowed my eyebrows, as I watched carefully at what they had planned to do.

Without any second thought, with the snap of Korse's fingers, the dracs began pounding their fists into the boys.

I opened my mouth in shock, watching in complete horror.

The boys began to wake up, flinching in pain as the dracs continued to beat them.

After what felt like eternity had passed, Korse eventually sent the dracs away, smirking evilly as he watched the boys cough up blood.

Tears streamed down my face, as I watched blood run down Party's face.

Soft sobs escaped my lips, as I turned away from the scene.

" that you guys are pleasantly awake, we can get started."

"What do you want from us!" The man with shoulder length black hair screamed.

I looked at him, then at Korse.

"Oh...I'm sorry. Are you not aware of the chaos you bastards are creating?"

His cynical laugh filled the air, then it fell silent.

"My plan to make this world a better place, was working incredibly well, until you guys fucked up the system!"

His smile faded, vengeance filling his dark eyes.

"All the killjoys need to be punished...exterminated. but before I could do that, I needed to withdraw their leader, leave them worthless!

"...then a plan stumbled upon me...I couldnt ellimimate you guys! guys need to be awarded for your behavior."

Another sob escaped my lips.

"Oh your just pathetic!" Korse locked his eyes with mine, fury distorting his features.

"Cry little girl! Cry your precious little eyes out! Because you wont have any tears left by the time I'm done..."

He paced the room, ponderance now filling his thoughts.

"My initial plan, was to put you guys under my artificial euphoria, numb you for the time being. But! Since you had to go and use your rebellious behavior against me, the intelligent ruler..then you should have to expect to pay for it."

A grin stretched across his face, as he wandered over to the nearby table.

He picked up an unidentified object in his hands, gripping it tightly.

I slowly lifted my eyes, peering around the circle. They suddenly locked with Party's, his filling with fresh tears.

I bit my lip, trying to stop it from trembling, as tears flowed down my cheeks.

Korse entered the circle again, trailing his eyes around the group.

"Who' first?"

Bulletproof Heart -MCR Killjoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now