Chapter 6

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I took a vigorous breath, calming my shot nerves. My thoughts were blinding, as they flashed before my eyes.

I grit my teeth, as I forced them away.

I raised my hand to the killjoys, in a fairwell. Though they took it as their signal to stay hidden.

I sucked in a breath, before charging out from around the corner. I lifted my gun, taking down multitudes of draculoids.

The killjoys charged out behind me, elliminating every drac that came rushing out from inside the facility.

They appeared stunned for a moment, as if they didnt expect it. I shook my head in sarcastic disbelief.

One after the other, I shot down dracs. They collapsed fast, considering I had muliple killjoys on my side.

After a clearing had formed within the swarm of draculoids, I took my chance to storm right through.

I knew it was extremely risky, but at this point, I would do anything to end my sufferable life.

But I had some business to attend to first.

I blindly sprinted through, my cloud of vision that once erupted with color, now dampened to a storm of grey.

I frowned, as picked up my pace.

The killjoy and draculoid ambush soon faded in the distance, as I ran deeper inside the facility.

My heart pounded with apprehension, as my veins pulsed with white hot adrenaline.

I was so ready for this.

I had watched helplessly, as this ugly man shot my sister dead before my eyes.

The numerous amount of killjoys that are no longer with us, who courageously faught for our freedom.

My boys..the boys that had been there through thick and thin. I loved them, every single one of them.

And now, all dead. Because of me.

I couldnt save them. You know why? Because I'm pathetic. Thats why.

And now, now that its too late, I have to avenge them. I have to use everything I've got, to finally burn down this fucked up reality.

And even when I die in the end, they'll know who the real heroes are.

I stopped in my tracks, my boots skidding to a halt.

I looked around at my surroundings, every wall, every corridor, matched exactly.

White blinded me, as my eyes attempted at focusing.

I grumbled, as I chose the corridor straight in front of me.

I sprinted at a high speed, my feet pounded against the white tiled floor.

Big, glass doors rose in my line of vision. Marble pillars climbed the walls, alongside the elegant interior.

I wasn't used to this kind of scenary, I had grown so used to the desert waistland that I had become so comfortable calling home.

I charged up to the doors, a ginormous, mohogony desk filled up the majority of the space, with rows of computer screens lining it.

This must've been the control room...from what I could tell, no one was survailling the screens. Strange.

"Why Black Nebula, you just don't give up do you?"

I quickly spun around, immedietely raising my gun. This time, my hesitance came clean.

"No Korse, you son of a bitch, I don't." I scowled.

He raised his dark eyebrows, which contrasted against his shiny bald head, in slight surprise.

"Well Nebula, last time I checked you weren't so cocky." He slowly began to step forward. "What changed?"

I tightened my index finger over my trigger. "You killed my friends, remember?"

An evil smile played on his lips. "Oh thats right. The leaders of the killjoys."

He let out a scoff. "They weren't going to make it 10 feet within my facility anyways."

I felt my anger bubble up inside my chest, my heart rate picking up speed.

I bit my lip, to keep from saying anything.

Just wait for the right moment..

"So what do you think makes you so special Nebula? Huh? Your new found spunkiness?" He chuckled. "Well let me tell you, it ain't workin' sister."

I gritted my teeth, my jaw flexed in anger.

Don't listen to him!

"Shut up!" I screamed.

"You know Nebula," he continued. "I've been scheming up a plan myself." He wore a snobby expression, as he smoothed down the ruffles over his chest.

He let out a low chuckle. "And let me tell you, how spectacular it's been working out so far. You thought I would let you go like that? Y'know, without having a little fun first?"

Suddenly he snapped his fingers, as his expression suddenly turned cold.

My eyes widened, as my knees buckled out from underneath me, crashing me onto the frigid, tile floor..

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