Chapter 20

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I knelt down on my left knee, closing my left eye and focusing with my right.

I balanced my arms just right, poising my gun directly in the center.

I instantly pulled the trigger, blowing a hole in the chest of my plastic target.

"Nice work Subject." A S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W said, giving me a solid clap on the shoulder.

I winced off the pain, as I aimed my gun again.

Weeks had gone by since we began training, and hell have I gotten the hang of it.

"WRAP IT UP!" He warned.

I released my stance, standing up to my feet.

"Off to your rooms, rise early tomorrow. Its a better day with Better Living Industries!"

I shoved my gun into my holster, walking off towards the elevator.

I clicked on the 3rd floor, way lower from the 12th one I was on.

The button dinged, then the doors came sliding open.

I stepped into the empty elevator, waiting for my floor.

Just as the doors began to close, another drac came rushing in.

I gave it a look through the holes in my mask, but quickly looked away.

"3rd floor right?" It said, the voice rather feminist.

I looked over at her, confusion filling me. I nodded, then glared back at the now closed doors.

She continued to stare at me, her eyes burning imaginary holes into my temple.

I gritted my teeth together.  I had gotten along just fine without communicating with anyone today, why did she ruin it?

Suddenly the doors came open, but before I could step out, she grabbed my arm.

She twisted me around, forcing me to face her.

A pair of big silver eyes drilled into mine. I snagged my arm back, grabbing onto my white ray gun.

I quickly stepped out of the elevator, chills running down my spine.

"I know who you are!" She yelled after me, but she didnt seem to be following me.

I shook my head. They let out too many malfunctioning dracs its rediculous.

I slipped into my entirely white cell, crashing down onto my extremely uncomfortable mattress.

I slipped off my gear, setting it aside to re-wear tomorrow.

I left on just my white t-shirt and my underwear.

I slipped off my mask, letting down my extremely long brown hair.

I set it aside also. I sighed heavily, taking my daily happy pill dry, then settling onto my mattress.

I closed my eyes, soaking into pitch black dreams.


"Hustle draculoids!"

I stumbled out of my cell, quickly slipping on my mask and shoving my hair up inside.

I had just barely gotten dressed, quickly grabbing for my ray gun.

I shoved it into its holster, as I brought my door closed.

"C'mon subject!"

I looked ahead, to see another drac ushering for me to hurry.

I sprinted down the corridor, catching up with the swarm of other dracs that were following the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W.

"We gotta mission this morning, can't be late."

I steadied my pace as I walked alongside the others.

"Halt!" He ordered.

We all froze in perfect stance.

"This mission was set up specifically for you guys. What we are about to show you is extremely important, and you must follow closely. We are commending strict procedures. Remember, Better Living helps us live Better lives."

He used the key for the control pad, unlocking doors for us pass through.

We stepped in through a filed line. I grabbed my gun, just as everyone did, and held it close to my side.

Once I entered the room, I was immedietely thrown off.

Huge steal cages lay around. The room was dimmed, not a move was made.

"These are multitudes of the rebellious killjoys. We've permenantly locked them up here, where they won't be tempted to falt our system again."

I looked across at the leader, who had his attention towards the front of the group.

I slowly began creeping away from the group.

I peered around, keeping my gun close.

I peeked closely into the cages, curiosity getting the best of me.

But what I saw was unbelievable.

An undressed human being, sat curled up inside the cage.

A head full of long, brown hair fell over the curled up figure, in ribbons over the face.

Suddenly the being began to move. It began slowly lifting its head, its hair parting in the center.

I looked closer, to see a pair of big, green eyes meet mine.

I was immedietely hit with a heavy wave of nastalgia, my heart freezing in my chest.


Bulletproof Heart -MCR Killjoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now