Chapter 13

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I layed curled up in a shivering ball, tears streaming down my face.

The pain was far too unbearable..I don't think I could handle it any longer.

I gripped my head in my hands, pleading for the throbbing to subside.

He forced me to stop taking the pill, consequently forcing these headaches on me.

He assured me that they were destroying me..making me weak.

But what was I? If anything I was less than weak.

I was so fucking pathetic.. so why not destroy myself with this seducing addiction?

But he insists.

The feelings he stirred up in me, was almost more than I could handle.

It was very odd...

I had trained myself to feel nothing, become numb to this euphoria.

But this was beyond anything.

I felt an irresistable attatchment to him, almost immedietely the moment his eyes locked with mine.

I sat up from my secluded corner, the afternoon sunlight coating the floor in shimmering rays.

I gazed down at the reflections, losing myself in the beauty.


I hesitantly looked up, his voice catching me off guard.

The name seemed to grow on me..even when it discomforted me.

My name was SC100146, or my code anyways.

Thats what I had been previously referred to, subject SC100146.

Now I had to adjust to this shorter, less complex, yet unique name.

I didn't mind it so much, other than the fact that he insisted with all his heart, that that was my real name.

Even when..I don't ever recall this information.

I looked up between strands of my stray hairs, into his eyes.

I found myself getting lost in the beautiful aura of colors.

"You okay..?" He gently asked.

I slowly began to nod, eye movement not exactly helping my outrageous headache.

He nodded, keeping his eyes trained on me.

I looked away, heat rising to my cheeks.

Withdraws were leaning on me, and I needed to take my dosage, or else I'm sure I'll go mad.

I groaned, as thinking about it caused the raging pain to replenish.

It took my breath away, how bad it hurt.

I sighed, taking deep..slow breaths.

Don't concentrate..lose yourself.

This was easy, I do it on a regular basis.

As my mind immedietely began to ease, images flashed in my eyes. 

A girl stood leaned against the side of a Diner looking place, lighting a cigarette that hung out of her mouth.

Her soft silver hair blew gently in the wind.

A tall, lanky man walked up to her, wearing a shy smile as he placed his hands on her hips.

A dark pair of Aviator shades shielded his real eyes, making him appear rather mysterious.

3 other men entered the dream, all wearing smiles.

The only one I recognized, was the man with a full mop of fiery red hair, that danced  in the dusty breeze.

He look over at me, a smile playing over his lips.

I suddenly stepped forward in the dream, wrapping my arms around the silver head.

A huge smile crossed her lips, as she wrapped me up in her loving embrace..

The dream faded away, as an almost nastalgic feeling spread over my chest.

I tried to catch my breath, as I steadied my thoughts.

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