Chapter 10

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Noises outside of my cell, startled me awake.

I lay on the floor of my cell, eyes unfocused.

My hair draped over my face, as I looked around my room. Streams of morning sunlight grazed over the adjascent wall.

Morning? They should've given me my daily dosage by now.

I slowly sat up, caressing the drowsiness from my eyes.

I slept too much.

I mean, there usually wasn't much else to do in here.

I squinted at the door.

The door had been unlocked, which was very peculiar of the draculoids to do.

Of course, I never had an interest in leaving my cell. I was content in my anti-spacious inhabitance.

Nothing ever happened. I was living the life.

And besides, no one ever bothered me. So, all in all, I was just fine.

Although, my day would be much finer, if they just delivered my happy pill..

I groaned unhappily, as I messed with the tips of my hair.

Suddenly, my door came swinging open, crashing into the wall behind it.

I rushed over to my tray, popping the pill into my mouth.

I dry swallowed it, a method I had grown quite used to.

As I collapsed back onto my floor, I noticed that my cell door hadn't been closed.

But my thoughts quickly began to fade away, as the drugs began to seep into my veins.

I completely relaxed, my eyelids becoming heavier.

My mind drifted blank, as I stared off towards the door.

Suddenly, a man came running into the room.

He wore full white scrub attire, just as I did.

His bare feet slapped against the stone floor, as he ran over to my restless figure.

He looked back towards the entrance with wide eyes, like he expected someone to jump out and get him.

He kneeled down towards my body, brushing strands of my hair away from my eyes.

His own mop of fiery red hair fell over a set of goreous hazel eyes, as he closely examined me.

"Nebula?" He spoke softly.

Nebula? Who was he talking about?

He looked back again towards the door, just in time to see it slam shut.

He let in a sharp gasp, as he rose quickly to his feet.

"No no no.." he murmered, as he shook his head.

He turned his gaze back to me, his eyes softening.

I don't know who this mystery man was, but he definetely intriuged me.

Something about him seemed off to me.

In his eyes..they held a distant memory to them. He had gone through something, though what it was would remain a mystery.

What was he doing here anyways?

I had never seen him before, though, in some weird way, it seemed like I had.

He kneeled down in front if me again, narrowing his eyes down at me.

I closed my eyes, forcing the threatening dreams away.

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