Chapter 8

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- I apoligize for the extremely short previous chapter, but this one should be longer ^-^ -

My eyelids fluttered open, allowing the little amount of light to filter in.

The room I lay in rocked back and forth, blurry beyond recognition.

I tried to lift my head, my long, brown hair falling in ribbons in front of my eyes.

I lifted myself up, curling up against the wall.

Where was I? Who was I?

My head suddenly erupted with an excrutiating pain. I squeezed my eyes shut, pressing my palms against my temples.

As soon as my thoughts subsided, the pain began to ease away.

I let out the breath I was holding, as the pain completely vanished.

Okay, no more thinking..

I sighed, peering down over my body.

I couldn't remember when I had ever put on pristine white scrubs, I suppose the last time I had gotten dressed.

Even that I couldn't remember.

I sighed, rubbing my temples again. I squinted my eyes, as I gazed around my room.

I sat curled up in an extremely, anti-spacious stone room.

The walls and floor were frigid, and dark in color. Almost no light came in, other than the sliver of sunlight through the barred window.

Suddenly, the door to my cell swung open.

My eyes widened, as my body tensed with unexpectation.

A tray was slid inside, before the door slammed back shut. I tilted my head to the side, as I stared at it for a moment.

I crawled over to the suspicious tray.

On top of it, sat a small paper cup, filled halfway with water. Beside it, was a miniature cylindrical capsule.

I picked it up, closely examining it.

It was split halfway, one side being blue, the other half being red.

What are these? And, why do I take them?

Well, I'm here. And from I can understand, I'm not going to leave.

I popped the mystery pill into my mouth, swallowing the mouth-full of water to chase it down.

I sighed, closing my eyes.

Suddenly, my mind filled with ultimate ease. My heart beat slowed to an abnormally sliw pulse.

A smile slowly formed across my lips, as my body collapsed onto the ground.

All of my thoughts dissipated, as I relaxed completely.

A black and white smiley face, one I've sworn I've seen before, flashed behind my closed eyes.

Where have I seen this?

My mind eased, as the symbol seemed more peaceful to me. It relaxed me to content.

I enjoyed this. I was happy, extremely happy.

Another smile curved on my lips, as I lay completely still, on the frigid ground.

Suddenly, my thoughts vanquished into a dark pit. My body was falling, falling and falling, into iminent darkness.

The darkness consumed me, sufficating me. But I was in peace with it, it comforted me.

I was flying..high above cloud nine. But I was falling, into subquential oblivion.

This was intoxicating, and I loved it.

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