Chapter 15

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My heart beat thumped rythmically in my chest.

I was completely paralyzed, unable to move an inch of my body.

I tried to scream, but my lungs were weak.


I was completely surrounded in darkness, but trying to open my eyes was almost impossible.

I breathed heavily, as the throbbing pain in my head increased as my heart beat sped up.

I inhaled deeply, washing away the increasing anxiety that weighed on me.

Suddenly the room grew brighter, coming to life beyond my closed eyes.

"Come on.....Nebula....wake up..."

Movement stirred my body, rocking me. The movement brought an electricity jolt to run through my nerves, exhilerating me.

I took another low breath, prying my eyelids open.

"...Nebula?" was Party.

I immedietely felt relief wash over me, my heart fluttering in my chest.

I forced my eyes opened, light almost blinding me.

"Oh my're okay!"

As I groggily stirred from my area on the hard ground, a pair of warm, strong arms wrapped around my body.

He lifted me up, holding me close to him.

My mind fogged with drowsiness, but being this close to Party awakened me.

"Party?" I mumbled.

"Yes're okay." He sighed, bringing me closer to him.

I forced my arms to move, lazily wrapping them around his torso.

I slowly open my eyes, morning sunlight cascading us in rays of shimmering light.

My cell door swung open, shoving my tray inside.

I clenched my jaw, forcing the temptations away.

"Don't Nebula." Party warned.

I drifted my thoughts elswhere, avoiding the tight urge.

"...what happened?" I finally asked.

He ran his fingers through my brown mess of hair, trailing down my back soothingly.

"I asked you if you remembered me..." he started.

"Then...something strange happened. Your bent over in pain, and began screaming. I don't know what were in so much pain.

"Then you blacked haven't woken up for 2 days.."

My heart stopped beating in my chest.

2 days?? How is that possible?

"I'm sorry..I did anything I could. You wouldn't wake up..I-I thought I lost you..."

His voice caught in his throat. My heart pounded in my chest, confusion fogging my thoughts.

He traced his fingers softly up my spine, up to my jawline.

He slowly curled his fingers under my chin, raising my face to his.

"You're here..I was so scared." His eyebrows creased in worry, as his eyes deeply searched mine.

I raised my hands to his face, gently placing them over his cheeks. "I'm's okay. I'm okay." I assured.

He softly nodded, never releasing his gaze.

He sighed, his face falling into a light frown.

His lips curved down, making my heart dip to my stomach.

I carefully traced my thumb over his lips, while keeping my eyes locked on his.

I tilted my face upwards, gently grazing my lips over his.

My lips trembled, as my heart stuttered in my chest.

My breath caught, as I tried to steady my racing thoughts.

He leaned down, connecting his soft lips with mine.

The kiss melted together, a warm sensation spreading over my breast plate.

He dropped his hands to my waist, pulled me closer onto his lap, as he deepened the kiss.

I hummed against his lips, as I desperetely pulled him closer to me.

My heart began to pound feriously, sucking my breath from me.

He gently bit my bottom lip, nibbling softly.

He began trailing soft kisses down my lips, to my jaw, then down my neck.

A light sigh escaped my lips, as I tilted my head to the side.

He placed one last gently kiss on my collar bone, before pulling away.

He grasped my face in his hands, leaving a passionate kiss on my lips.


I sighed. "Yes Party..?"

He lifted his eyelids, locking his eyes with mine.

"I love you so goddamn much." He whispered.

A smile slowly formed across my face, my heart racing.

"I love you too Party."

Bulletproof Heart -MCR Killjoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now