Chapter 16

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"Get up subject!"

I quickly jolted up from where I lay on the cold ground, startled by the sudden disruption.

I blinked my drowsy eyes, as I pressed my hands to my pounding head.

"Now!" A voice ordered.

Before I could fully process what the hell was going on, a strong hand fiercly gripped onto my slender arms, dragging me up.

I hastily attempted to focus my eyes, the scene slowly unfolding.

"...Party!?" I mumbled.

A Draculoid, stood over my curled up figure, gripping a limp Party in his arms.

His ruby red hair drooped over his closed, unconcious eyes.

My heart rate sped up, as I darted my eyes frantically around the room.

Another Draculoid pulled me forcefully off the floor of my cell, hauling me out the opened door.

They dragged Party close begind me.

I began trying to kick the Drac, attempting to loosen his grip. But I was far too weak.

Tears began to roll down my cheeks, as I was swallowed in defeat.

I looked up, just in time to be introduced to a new set of other unconcious men. Why was I the only conscious one?

I concentrated my gaze, as I peered closer at the other beings.

They seemed so familiar...but who were they? Where have I seen them?

I shook these thoughts out of my head, as I was suddenly thrown into a stone cold room.

My body slammed onto the concrete floor, soon to be combined with the others.

I whimpered, as my head began to pound feriously.

"Subject 100146...or should I say, Black Nebula."

The sound of a deep, menacing voice filled my ears, throwing off my diception.

I slowly looked up, confusion furrowing my brow.

I peered around the vacant room, Party and the other three men, were thrown onto the ground beside me, laying sprawled and unconcious.

My breathing quivered in fear, as I assesed the rest of the room.

My heart stopped, as my eyes landed on a dark figure.

I scrolled my eyes up, up until I landed on his face.

He scowled at me, a sinister smirk playing on his lips.

He walked forward, tilting his head to the side.

"Whats wrong? Are you scared?" His smile grew.

"You should be."

A small squeak escaped my lips, as he gripped onto my arms, forcefully dragging me towards the other side of the room.

A pair of dracs grabbed my torso, shoving me onto a steal chair, while strapping my arms and legs.

My eyes widened, as I tried to pull away.

Soon I was tightly fastened, and there was no escaping now.

I drew in a trembling breath, biting my lip to prevent me from crying.

Whats wrong with me? Why am I so pathetic?

Soon, the dracs grabbed the boys one by one, pulling them into chairs that were sat in a circular formation around me, facing me.

I shook in fear, as they strapped Party in last, right across from my line of vision.

He limped forward in his chair, a stream of blood trickling down his forehead, blending in with his long crimson hair.

I squeezed my eyes shut, praying for this to end soon, as korse walked into the middle of our circle.

He glared over at me, widening his grin.

"Lets get this show on the road."

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