Chapter 14

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I shivered from the cold, desert air, that blew in from the tall window.

I darted my eyes around the room, landing on the man's sleeping figure.

I sighed, curling up into a tighter ball.

My stomach grumbled feriously. It burned from the empty acid.

I hadn't eaten in days, and the longer I sat, the more energy that drained from my body.

The happy pills naturally produced the nutrients I needed through the daily dosage.

But I no longer took them..though my urge was unbearable.

I whimpered, as I pressed my hands over my throbbing temples.

The red head stirred, sitting up from his restless sleep.

He gazed over at my curled up figure, a frown etching his lips.

He slowly crawled over to me, keeping his eyes locked on me.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked in a gentle whisper.

I looked up at him, slowly shaking my head.

I hadn't slept for nights.

I was corrupted with horrific dreams, dreams from which I can't even piece together, that leave me screaming at night.

I couldn't take them..

He gently wrapped his arms around my shoulders, closing his eyes as he brought me close.

I sighed, as I leaned into him, my heart fluttering in my empty chest.


I looked up at him, meeting his gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Do you ever remember me?"

I frowned, my eyes filling with tears.

"Yes." I whispered.

His eyes widened, not only from the fact that I have dreams about him every night, but that I finally spoke to him.

"You do?" He asked, hope filling his voice.

I slowly nodded, never breaking our gaze.

"Every night I see you. You wear an indigo jacket, and you're always in the desert."

He flickered his eyes between mine, searching for any explanation.

"Who was I?" I whispered. "Tell me everything."

He brought me closer to him, enveloping me in a tight embrace.

Droplets fell over my hair, falling from his eyes.

"Your name was Black Nebula.." he whispered into my hair.

"You had a twin sister, her name was Silver Mist. I'm Party Poison..I have a brother, his name is Kobra Kid. I have amazing friends, Fun Ghoul and Jet Star."

He sighed lightly.

"You and your sister were ambushed by Draculoids one day, and they began swarming in bigger groups. We passed by, and saw you needed help."

I could feel his smile. "Before that, you had shot out our back window." He laughed lightly.

"After we faught them off, you came into our group, fitting right in. Everyone loved you guys to pieces. Even Kobra developed a soft spot for your sister..he loved her so much.."

Confusion filled me, but he continued.

"They killed her Nebula..they murdered your sister."

I felt my heart implode in my chest, sucking the air out of me.

My head began to spin, as the memories were flashing behind my eyes.

I squeezed my eyelids shut, trying to block them out.

"You went to save her, but Korse is a horrible man. He killed her..

"..but me and the boys, once we saw you were gone, we headed straight towards the facility.

"We preset all of the guns to stun, this way the Draculoids couldn't harm anyone. We didn't want to lose you too.."

I felt tears threaten to spill down my cheeks.

"We had to save you at the right time...we didn't know what Korse's plan was, you could've been beaten to death for all we know.." he sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry Nebula..I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry they took your sister..I'm sorry you are so broken..I'm sorry I couldn't save you...I'm sorry that I'm madly in love with you.."

He shook his head slowly. "I'm so so sorry.." he whispered.

I grasped tightly onto him, sobbing into his warm chest.

He wrapped his arms around me, gripping onto me, never letting go.

The memories of my dream, the dream I had after I passed out in the bathroom, came fogging my vision.

'He told me this..' I thought.

The memories flashed violently, almost blinding me.

"Party.." I whispered.

I pulled away, slowly gazing down at my left arm.

I lifted it up to my eyes, tracing over the words with my fingers.

You Killed Them.

Oh God..the pain. The memories...they were so painful.

I screamed, as I gripped my head, an unbearable pain swelling inside my head.

It quickly increased, causing my hands to shake.


Party's voice drifted in and out, as I felt my conciousness weaning.

I suddenly collapsed, complete darkness crashing over me..


Well I hope this chapter clarified a little bit for you guys. I'm sorry if it's still a bit confusing.

I'll try to clear things up, but I would reallyyyyy appreciate some feeback on what I could improve! ^-^

Keep Runnin' fabulous killjoys♥

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