chapter 1

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"Rochelle its time to wake up"........"im up mom!"

Hi everyone my name is Rochelle Marie Johnson im 16 years old in the 11th grade. Me and my mother Michelle live in Baltimore city, Maryland, my father Alex Johnson died 2 years ago from an heart attack. I guess him being big as he waz caused him to die, but at least he made it to heaven:). well gotta get dressed, yall about to make me late smh.

well i went to go do my hygiene thing and i come down stairs and see fluffy pancakes, sausage links, eggs, and fruit salad, whats going on with her this morning she havent cooked like this in a long time.

"Hey honey you look nice, i know you thinking i havent cooked like this in a long time but i got some good news,money and life wise",

"Um well thank you and and is this news gonna make me that happy",

"Yes ma'am it will, cause im gonna make more money",

"Yayy soooo what is it?",

"Well you remember i told you that i had got my masters degree in medical assistance?"


"Well one of the most popular doctors in california wants ME TO BE IN HIS FIELD!"

"OH MY GOD MOM IM SO PROUD OF YOU! so that means we moving to california?!"

"Yes honey i hope you happy about it"

"Mom of course im happy we really need to leave this city cause its to much drama for me"

"Yes i so happy, well i want you to eat and get ready, oh today is your last day also so get any friends number cause we gonna bounce"

"mom please, i dont talk to anyone around here, they tooo much for me"

"Well ok then lets get going, oh and dont worry about packing Dr. Richard Fleming paid for moving men to get it"

"This Doctor must be very rich"

"yes he is, he wants his best future employee to move with no stress"

"Well this man is very blessed"

-will she love califonia?

-will she make any friends?

-let see how far this goes;]

_hey people sorry for the mistakes, if i made any;) well what you think about the book?, i really didnt want to do this book but i need to stop being lazy smh well imma try to keep this updated and i hope you like it'

if you have any questions you can message me:)

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