chapter 9

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picture of trey on the side;)...yall this man is sexy to me lol. if i made any mistakes im sorry


Today was me and Monte date, im so excited because this is my first date ever. So me and trisha are at the mall finding me something to wear, knowing her she gonna get a dress for me. I have build a little self confidence which my mom is very happy about but a dress is a complete different story.

"Trisha all we need to find is suit pants and a blazer oh and some booties then we out"

"No rochelle we are not doing that, you are wearing a dress and thats final" she has been looking through the racks for about 15 mins

"god you acting like my mother"

"im glad, cause you are stubborn, oh try on this dress" she was holding up an red bodycon dress with an gold waist belt

"Trisha that looks good, but i dont think that color is for me" ill rather wear black

"Look rochelle you are gonna go in that dressing room and try on that dress while i look for some shoes, go!" she gave me the dress and pushed me into the booth

I was scared to put it on. Me being a big girl im afraid to try alot of stuff on, but here goes nothing. I walked out and trisha was looking at me like she seen a ghost, omg i look that bad

"trisha i told you i looked bad in it!" i was about to walk back inside until she stopped me

"No rochelle that dress really good on you, girl look at the mirror" i went to the mirror, i have to say this dress does looks really good on me

"Wow....i do look good" i felt really good in it

"well try on these beige shoes and we will be out"



"Damn girl" i was getting nice top from this chick i met a couple days ago until trey called me


"YO monte meet me at the trap right now its important" nigga yelling in my ear

"The fuck, why now?" this girl mouth was doing its thing I didnt want to move

"Look nigga be here in 20 minutes" he hung up

"" shit i forgot her name "um ma i gotta go handle something, nice doing buisness with ya"

"what you mean buisness?" she must be one of those stupid hoes

"like i said nice doing buisness with ya, now get out" and her ass left.

Now im at the trap, wonder what this nigga get to tell me

"Whats up trey" i dapped him

"gucci man but we got a little problem"

"How bad is it?"

"Well remeber those niggas from the bronx that tried to take our money a year ago?"

"Yea what about them" I remeber that shit like it was yesterday

"Well these niggas came down here jumped cole and told him that we gonna be next and that they gonna take over

"the fuck?!, Where is cole?" i was fucking heated

"His girl came over here, took him home, and cleaned him up"

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