chapter 14

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"Bebe Im gonna head ok?" She been asking me this all day

"Mom Im fine, why you keep asking me this im good, have fun"

"Trish honey we need to talk" she walked inside my room and shut my door, making me nervous

"Look.....i know you are sexually active, i give you condoms and you know that, now my question is have you been using them?" she asked me in a serious tone

"Mom you know i have been using them, why you asking me these questions?"

"First off, you need to lower your voice before i pow pow your butt, and second im just askin, you look pale, you been sleeping alot, and i heard you throwing up twice, im just worried". 

"Mama' Im fine, i probably just have a stomach virus or something, dont worry about me im fine"

"ok honey see you in a few" and she walked out

Tbh there is an a possibility i could be pregnant but i didnt want to tell her that so she can freak out and my dad finds out.

Smh Me bein with trey and all, its hard to not have sex with him. Yall he has the sexiest body, the face is beautiful and the sex is wonderful. C'mon i cant resist, yall wouldnt either if he was actually with yall, which that aint happening

But anyways I already bought different pregnancy tests, matter of fact I need to take them now since my parents gone.

I went to the bathroom, and wet on all 3 sticks. Now i have to wait for 3min

3 minuets later.....

I went to go check on the results, one had a smileyface and the other 2 had a positive on it.

Wow Im gonne be a Mom.....


While monte is just staring at them with a mean look in his face, still holding his gun. Im fucking stunned that he brought me here, and on top of that he's gonna kill them.

" put the gun away" i was holding his hand and he looked at me like i was crazy

"Monte Cor-- jones put the gun away" i said a little louder

"Rochelle you really think imma let them slide?" 

"Monte i know that but killing them aint gonna change anything just put the gun down.....for me" I walked to him and put my arms around his neck

"Yall niggas better glad" he put his gun on a table then leaned on a wall

"OK rochelle this is deal, the bruises you have on your body, i want you to hurt them on them on the same spot as yours...come in!!"

All the sudden 2 body builder men untied elizabeth and her cousin and hanged them by their wrist. I cant believe this stuff happens in real life

"im not the one who desides on your punishment, rochelle is, so beautiful what you wanna do?"

I really wanted to let them go and never mess with me again, but i know monte aint gonna let that happen. Then another side of me wants that bitch and her cousin to suffer..

"rochelle..i know you want to let them go, but life aint easy, theres gotta be payback" monte said while looking in my eyes

"C'mon monte, you know she's a punk ass! Leave her for me you know you want to!" elizabeth yelled

Now this bitch has cross the line

"Monte untie"

He untied her then she fell to the floor

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