chapter 11

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Hi everyone sorry i havent been updating ive been busy with school and prom ideas...heres a nice chapter if i made any mistakes forgive me;)

Picture of rochelle, she so beautiful------->


3 months later.....

Dear Journal,

Me and Monte are doing very good, we've been going on alot of dates lately and he is so sweet, I feel so comfortable around him and i trust him, lord you know i have trust issues. but when im around him i can open myself to him and tell him whats on my mind. Which kinda got me and him in a arguement. For some reason i asked him why elizabeth act the way she does when he's around and him bein the way he is, he responded with an smart comment thats when me and him argued for about 10 min then buried the hatchet with an kiss. lord i think Im falling inlove but i dont wanna tell him right now, cause you know how men are when they hear the "L" word. But anyways I can see me and him further into the relationship.....if you know what i mean;)

"Rochelle can you snap this for me"

My mother was goin on a date with Mr. Carter tonight, and tbh I think this guy is the right one for my mom. I proud of her cause she is finally goin out for once.

"Mhmm look at you, yall better behave tonight" she on black cocktail dress with ankle strap heels 

"Psh girl im grown, but imma take it slow, how do you feel about me goin on this date?"

"Im ok with it, im happy you finally goin out for a change" we heard the bell ring

"How i look?" she looked nervous

"You look really good and nervous, imma walk you to the door"

I opened the door and see a smiling Mr. Carter in a nice black suit and a black tie, my momma got a good one

"Hello rochelle.....Mi-Michelle you look nice" she know she look nice, she get it from me;)

"Thank you carter, you look sharp" aww she blushing like a teenager

"Well lets head out, dont worry rochelle your mom will be in good hands"

my mind was saying he better keep his hands to himself

1 hour later....

im chilling and whatever then monte calls me

"Wats up beautiful"

"Hey big head what you doin"

"Your head bigger than mines, and im about to pick you up, dress nice"

"ugh why.. i was chilling for the rest of the night"

"Well you not now hurry up im coming in 20 min" then he hung up, he some nerve 

I decided to wear an strapless purple lace cocktail dress with silver high heels and wear my hair out. By the time i was finished my door bell rung, must be monte

"Hey monte" he looked so sexy right now

"Hey look good ready to go?"

"Yeap, let me just get my purse then we out" i went ahead and got my purse then we headed out

We were holding hands throught the whole car ride. I wanna know where we goin


Rochelle looked fine af in that dress, showing them legs and everything. She been asking me where we going through this whole car ride.

"Ugh monte we been in this car for about 30 minutes where we going?"

"Hold on beautiful we almost there"

10 minutes later

We are finally here and she knocked out already

"Rochelle.....Beautiful..rochelle?" she hates when i touch her spot for some reason so i kissed it so she can wake up

"Stop it monte.." she awake now, i must turned her on from the way she responded

"C'mon beautiful we here"

I helped her out the car and i covered her eyes

"Ugh monte seriously?"

"Girl stop complaining, its worth it"

We were walking to our destination, I did alot tbh. i wanna let her know she is way better than all these hoes, and she the only lady in my life

"ok open your eyes" we were at the beach i had candles around the table, ocean view,champagne, etc. just for her

"Oh my god...monte this is beautiful" now she got tears in her eyes

"Beautiful why you crying?"

"im not crying im just so happy"

We are chilling, we talked, laughed, walked in the sand, all that romance shit. Now we are just laying down in the sand looking at the sunset

"Rochelle I wanna tell you something" I heard her say i hope he not breaking up with me, i know thats her mind talking

"Rochelle im not breaking up with you" had to laugh at that

"Look...the reason i did all this is because i wanna show how much you mean to me, i never thought that i would actually be in a relationship with anyone. Me bein who i am, i used to hoes throwing themselves at me, but when i saw you i knew you was gonna be mines right then and there. you wasnt being clingy, you wasnt showing thirst, and you held your ground. I need a woman like you in my life.....So what im saying is I Love You Rochelle Johnson"

".......You love me?" 

"Of course i do why wouldnt--" she interupt me with those beautiful lips of hers

"I love you too Monte Cornelious Jones"

"Girl what i tell you about saying my middle name"  she ran faster than hoe bein chased by a pimp. Man that ass will be the death of me, it plump, round, and shaped the right size.

"Nigga stop looking at my ass"

"Thats ass is mine"

"Whatever" when she said that i finally catched her

"Monte you cheated"

"Girl how i cheated?, you just were distracted by my looks"

We stayed at the beach for the rest of the night


Me and monte had a nice time we stayed at the beach and relaxed

"Rochelle you look beautiful in person"

I looked around and this guy all the sudden picked me up by my hair and put his hands over my mouth

Before monte started to reach for his gun 3 men came out of no where then started to beat him then one of them grabbed him by his dreads to face me and this mystery man

"i want 50 grand by the end of this week at 12 pm, if i dont have it i will be enjoying myself with this beautiful girl of yours"

"If you touch her imma fucking kill you" those were the last words i heard before i passed out


If he touch her imma break his fucking face and kill him slowly, trust and belive that

"oh man dont worry she will be in safe hands" and thats when one of his crew hit me in the back of the head with the gun, and i passed out.

I know i havent prayed in a while but i need to at this time

lord i know i havent been worshiping you, thats why this is  happening to me. But lord i want you to keep my girl safe, since shes out if my sight. I never loved anyone like i loved her and i need her in my life. Lord i want you to stay with her and show her that she is brave and she can get through this. AMEN

Alot of stuff is happening at one night. smh

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