chapter 10

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its funny how i went from the girl no one noticed, bullied, and talked about with no friends, to the girl that has higher self esteem and actual friends that cared about me and im really blessed, so lord i wanna thank you for bringing these people into my life AMEN

I wake and see Monte beautiful self, Ive never seen a boy this beautiful my whole entire life, never been in bed with one either. Those long black dreads will be the death of me, his nice mustache, and those full red lips Mmmm

"I know i look good but you dont gotta stare this hard" He opened his eyes and smiled, how does he know im staring at him and his eyes closed

"ha boy i look better than you" at least

"of course you do beautiful, im about to make breakfast you can take a shower in here i have some clothes for you" I hope those clothes fit me

"Dont worry it will fit you" and he walked out, i need to stop speaking my thoughts out loud

I went inside his bathroom and did my hygiene thing and went back in his room and i found a adidas track suit and put it on, and it did fit me. 

I walked down stairs and see monte cook what i think is french toast

"It smells good in here chef" 

"Thank ya, do you like bananas?"

"Yea i do, can i help?"

"Yea you can cut those bananas for me?"


For a thug he sure can cook his ass off and doing good at it too, im not much of an breakfast girl cause i usually skip it, but the way this food looks i cant pass it

We sat down and talked about alot of stuff about our families and how i was in baltimore, i actually felt comfortable talking to him

my phone started to ring "Hello?"

"Hey honey are you having fun at trisha house?" Trisha house?.....ohhh

"Yes mom i am, are you ok?"

"Yes but me and you need to talk when you get home ok?"

"Yes ma'am love you"

"Love you too honey" and she hung up, 

"your moms alright?" we were washing the dishes

"yea shes ok............monte can i ask you a question?"

"Yea sure"

"Have you ever fell inlove with anyone?"


I never fell inlove..NEVER. and I dont think i want to but im halfway there. I may known rochelle for less than a year but im starting to love her already, im not gonna tell her that yet, you know how women are when they hear that word. Her smile iz beautiful her personality is great and her body is banging, and that ass in ON-POINT, shes everything a man can ask for. and she making a nigga soft. everytime i think of her i get this unusual feeling...

"Monte...monte? are you ok?"

"Uh yea u asked me a question?" i forgot what she asked me

"Yes i said have you ever fell in love"

"um na not yet...what about you?"

"Nope not yet, never been in a relationship"

"Thats alright, the lord saved you for me" i put my arms around her waist and kissed her on her neck

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