chapter 8 (part 2)

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"look woman can you tell me where the hell Trey Phillips room is!" ive been sitting in this bitch for an hour

"Look Mr he's bein treated right now you have to wait" she said with an attitude

i went to sit my ass back down cause she gonna tell me the same shit until his doctor get here. im not that hurt except those bitches shot my arm. Stil cant believe those bitches 


"yall niggas ready?"

"yea" it was Me, Trey, Cole, and BLack in the car getting our guns loaded just in case something happens

We walked inside the warehouse and their was those 4 puerto rican dudes we were suppose to meet, these look sneaky ass hell..something about to go down i can feel it

"whats up, got the product?" black asked

"yea got our money?" one of them asked

"if i didnt we wouldnt be here, now let get started" I showed him the money. nigga need to come on, shit

"wait hold on where the rest of the cash?" one of them asked, is this nigga stupid 50 grand is in these bags shit we counted all night

"nigga this is all the money, what the fuck your problem" nigga got us fucked up

"Naa ese that aint all of it lets get these perras!" next thing you know these niggas start shooting they shot at my brother trey quickly thats when SCARFACE came

while they were still shooting cole carried trey out the warehouse quickly while me and black were shooting these niggas and thats when 7 more niggas came and one of them shot me in the arm

for about 5 min later all these nigga dead and we headed to the hospital


Now im pissed all over again

.oh lord trisha and rochelle walked through the door, trisha looked around and spotted me, she better not strart bullshittin

"Monte what the fuck happen?, is he ok?, how did this happen?" trisha asked

"look trisha dont yell at me i dont have time, and trey doctor will be out here damn just wait"

"look monte you should-"

"trisha calm down yelling aint gonna help us find out how trey is doing just sit down ok?" rochelle told her calmly

Trisha sat down and cried on rochelles arms. dang they only been friends for about a month and rochelle here for her. but anyways im tired right now

*30 min later*

"Monte what happen?" I look up and see my mother staring at me fighting her tears

"Ma-um-trey got shot"

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