chapter 3

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ok guys heres another chapter i hope u like it:P

"Hello California!!!!!", i yelled out the window

Los Angeles is so beautiful i cant even explain, theres no trash around, the air is crisp, and im feeling really good, we got off the plane around 10,my mother car is with the moving men.

"so how you like it honey?", my mother asked, "mother I love this place and we didnt even get home yet"

"well here we are", i see the men have the car here already

Yall this place is so beautiful, we dont like in an apartment anymore, thank you god!!! We have an house now with a nice yard and a fence, now i see why my mom been so distance, shes must have been saving up to get this place.

"Our things are in the house wrapped up, so the only thing we need to really do is unwrap, go to the grocery store tommorow, and this house will feel like home' my mother said smiling.

"mother i love you"

"i love you too honey" she said kissing me on the cheek

"well go to bed we have some stuff to do tommorow, your bed is upstairs in your room, they already put you dresser and boxes up there,  goodnight honey, love you"

"goodnight mother love you too".

I went upstairs to my room, it is two times bigger than my last room, the lord has really blessed us. I wonder what my father is thinking right now (even though he's a spirit) i know he is proud of my mother. well let me go sleep so i can be up bright and early.


"rochelle what you think we should eat for dinner tonight?"

"i dont know, what about pizza cause we do have to finish unpacking and get stuff together"

"yea....i forgot about that, you the smartest girl i know"

"awww well thank you, now can we please go we've been here for a hour cause you cant figure out what we need"

"Dont rush me little girl, you aint too old to get a beating",she said seriously

"god mother calm down im just saying *shrug*"

"haha girl you just like your father, he says "im just saying" then shrug his sholders", im looking at her smiling, my father was the best man ever, always make me feel beautiful and give me the best hugs a daughter could have.

"girl did you her what i just said", "uh sorry ma what you say?"

"i said help me with these bags,so we can get going and register you into your new school"

"Ma do we really have to do that today?"

"yes we have to do that today so you can be there by monday good and ready"


"stop pouting, trust me honey this is a new city and they are nothing like those disrespectful teens back home, so dont worry, you will make friends and have the best time of your life, and they will appreciate you for you"

"thank you mom", "you welcome honey now lets roll"


"did you see how big that school was, it aint trashy or anything" she said while were eating

"yes ma i saw it i just hope these people are way mature" 

"dont worry they are" she saying it like she from here

"Mom how do you know" i said laughing

"Cause girl i can feel it, and i can see you having a boyfriend and everything, mother knows"

"Ma please no boy wants to be with me, or even look my---"

"Stop talking about yourself like that! You understand me, i didnt bring you into this world for you to put yourself down like this, your are a beautiful young lady Rochelle, what other people say shouldnt matter because you know you are beautiful and i KNOW that you are beautiful. You dont realize it hurts me when you say stuff like that, cause i know i raised a beautiful.", my mother says with tears in her eyes.

"mother i am so sorry, im so used to other people saying what i look like i start to believe them, i really apologize"

"Its ok honey...but if you say some shit like that again imma have to beat your rear end, and i mean it. dont let no one, i mean NO ONE tell you who you are, cause me and you both know that you are a beautiful young lady that me and your father created" she said seriously.

"thank you mom i love you and i wont do it again"

"i love you too honey *hugs me*, i love you too

-they in CALI yayy

-my mother is just like her, just crazy lol

-will people treat her differently?

-vote and comment:)

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