Chapter 21

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I'm so sorry people, I know y'all been waiting for a update, I've been busy lately. I decided to make it up to y'all with a chapter. Hope you like it. And can yall check my homegirl @SongBird_Yaya books, shes good with fan-fiction and Urban books, check her out



"Rochelle is he really down there or you playing with me?" I asked seriously

"Trish he's down there, you want me to tell him to leave?"

"No, no um I'll be right back, can you help me put my jacket on?" I can't hardly put my jacket on now smh the struggle is is real

I headed down stairs, when my eyes landed on him, I felt sick. This is the man I feel in love with, but the man who also denied our child. Lord give me strength.

"Hey Trisha" he said nervously

" wanted to talk?

"Um yea I want us to go somewhere real quick, do you mind?" he asked

"Nope" we walked outside and he helped me inside the car. then drove away.

As i take a glance at him. He still look good, he hasn't shaved, he knows I love when he keeps his facial hair. his waves were fresh as always. His features were sexy, but he looked stressed

"I thought you wanted to talk?" This was a long as drive for us to be talking

"I do, just wanna show you something real quick" he responded

"What does that have to do with you talking to me?" i asked smartly, I hope he aint thinking he can smooth his way out of this situation cause it aint gonna work

"Trisha stop tripping damn, be patient" he said glaring at me. I dont want this to turn into a arguement so i just shut my mouth.

About 15 minutes we arrived to this moutain area, it looked very familiar. He helped out the car and we walked up the mountain and sat down, and there was a beautiful view of Cali. Now I remeber this place.

"You remeber this place?" he asked me

"Yea...our chill spot... why are we here?" I responded.

"You remember the day of my moms funeral?" he asked looking at me

About 4 years ago at trey's mother funeral his sperm donor arrived at the burial and didnt acknowlegde trey or anything, he just kissed his mothers casket, took a glance at trey and left. Trey was pissed for a couple of days, I tried to make him feel better, even Monte. I took him here then he let all the anger and the sadness out his system, we just stayed here for about 2 hours crying and talking about our future. 

" were angry about your dad" i responded

"I was so angry man....couldnt believe he took a look at me, didnt say hey son or anything. just looked at me and left, was I that bad of a son?...why he dont love me?..what did I do to him?...Ever since I denied our kid, I thought of that. I dont want my son or daughter to feel that way about me, I dont wanna be just like my father, I wanna be better. I want to see my kids first steps, I dont want another man raising my kid, im sorry for leaving you and my baby like that trish, will you forgive me?" He asked me with tears in his eyes.

I took his head and put it on my chest, we just layed down on the grass looking at the sky, while his hand was on my stomach. Gods knows I didnt want to forgive him but I have to. I have to do it for me and my baby, because I know for a fact if I dont, I will have hatred towards him for the rest of my life, and I dont want that.

"I forgive you trey..but as for us being a couple, I dont think its gonna be the same" i told him

"I understand ma" he said with disapointment, "as long im in my childs life". After that he started asking me question about the baby, how far along I was, was it a boy or girl. We talked about schedules when it comes to picking the baby up and everthing.

"So, will there be a possibility that me and you will work out?" he asked holding me

"Honestly I dont know. Trey when you hurt me that day, I didnt know who you were, that wasnt the trey I fell inlove with, when you denied our baby some of my feelings for you has gone out the window" I didnt want to cry, but with these hormones I cant help it

"Baby I'm so sorry for everything I said, I was just freaking out and nervous. I'm sorry for denying our baby and leaving you alone the way I did. Baby I want us to start over, can we do that?" he asked looking at me

"..We can, but we gonna take it real slow" i replied smiling. We gave each other a kiss and continued to look at the beautiful view. I knew the future was gonna be good as long trey continue to be a man of his word.


guys I know this is a short chapter, the next one will be longer. I just wanted to give you details on Trisha and Trey issue if you have any problems with the chapter or the book im a message away

And please check ouy my sis books @SongBird_Yaya, she updates quickly;)

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