chapter 19

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After I found out about that bullshit I decided to just walk to the park and clear my head. I was thinking about a lot of things

I never thought my first relationship would be like this.

My phone was ringing for the 10th time I been here for about an hour. He's probably worried. I really don't care right now

I look at my phone and see 10 missed calls 15 messages and 9 voicemails 

I decided to look at one of the messages from Monte

"Rochelle baby im sorry please let me explain, I was fucking drunk! What me and her did wasnt suppose to happen, baby please tell me where you are so we can talk"

"Bestie what happen? Monte called me saying that you were missing and figured you would be here. message me back hun im worried, my hormones already raging"

Instead of responding to any of them I decided to call the main person who could give me advice. My mom.


"Mom...are you doing anything?"

"No honey..whats wrong?, someone fucking with you?". My mom said angrily

"Mom...I-I just need to talk to you"

"Ok honey where are you?"

"Im at a park on E 6th street"

"Ok honey im on my way" and she hung up. 5 minutes later my mother's car pulled up. when she came to me and asked whats wrong I just cried on her arms.

When i was talked about and picked on in Baltimore she would always be there for me, and we just sit there til all of my tears are out.

"What happen baby?". she asked

"...Monte slept with this girl....Mom I just dont know what to do, after all he was drunk, well thats what he told me. I believe him but I dont believe him. Right now Im afraid I will feel like this again. And not only that she will do anything to have him, she didnt say it but I know she will, just like elizabeth crazy ass"

"Watch your mouth girl, and who is elizabeth?"

"Ma thats a long story"

"So...did you let him explain?"

"Ma all I did was walk out the door and walked here, I dont feel like talking to him"

"Girl you were just like me when your father cheated" she said with no emotion

"huh?...Ma what you talking about?"

"Oh..i didnt tell you....Well when your dad was an senior in college he was known around campus because he had the skills as an architect and drew an building for baltimore's future community center, he was getting attention for his work,

 One day your dad was invited to an fraternity party, I didnt want to go so he went without me and word around campus is your dad slept with one of the soroity girls, I asked him and he said he was drunk. So I broke up with him and didnt talk to him for 2 months then I found out I was pregnant with you, I decided not to tell him, but my nosey hardheaded roomate decided to do it

And when he found out I kept you from him he went crazy on me and told me he was gonna be there for me and you no matter what he done. He brough me flowers, rubbed my aching feet, took care of me and proved that he was not gonna let me go and showed me how much I was to him. The longer your dad stayed with me, he realized those girls wanted him for his talent, not his personality"

"Wow....I cant believe it"

"Well believe it honey". she said with tears in her eyes

"So what should I do?"

"...Baby listen to your heart, and learn how to forgive, something good will probably come, depends on the decision you make....If i didnt forgive your father, you would never knew how he was"

"Thank you mom....well i need to go talk to him"

"Imma drive you far is his house" she asked while getting up

"um..I think a mile"

"Rochelle is you out your damn mind?! Girl get in this car". All i could do was chuckle


"We here, now remeber what i said baby, listen to your heart love you". she said kissing me on the cheek

"Ok ma love you too" and she drove off. I was pretty nervous, but i gotta get it over with. I knocked on the door and he answered with an angry face. Even though i was mad at the moment, I just captured his beauty

"Are you just gonna stare at me or you gonna come inside". he said with no expression. I just walked inside and sat down

"Imma tell you everything, and I want you to listen instead of running away the way you did, look I dont know how I got in bed with her but I do know I never planned on sleeping with her, i was drunk rochelle, drunk people do stupid things and I love you too much to be doing some faul shit. Rochelle I love you more than anything". he said sadly

"....Are you gonna say something?". he asked. To be honest I didnt know what to say

"Monte...I love you so much, and I love the fact that you're being honest about the whole thing. But I really dont think me and you deserve to be together". I said with relieve

"What! After i just told you what happen you wanna leave. Rochelle get the fuck outta here with that man" he said while standing

"Monte think about it, everytime we are happy, something has to come along and mess it up. You deserve to be with a girl who is comfortable in her own skin. who has an great personality, someone who dosent have problems like me. People cant stand us being together". I said with tears in my eyes

"Rochelle I dont give a damn about what other people say, and I told you that from the beginning, why you always running the fuck away!"

"Im not running away Monte I'm doing what's best for both of us!".

I guess he was speechless just like I was. All we could do was stare at each other. I love him so much and I cant imagine my life without him, but I know we dont deserve each other. His drug game, the hoes and the drama iz too much for me. and Im too much for him

"You know what rochelle, you're right we dont deserve each other. I dont need a woman who keeps running away from her fucking problems...see your way out". he said sitting down with his head in his hands

Im not only doing this for me, Im also doing this for him, I hope he understands.

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