chapter 12

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another day another update, vote and comment, if i made any mistakes forgive me

picture of elizabeth------->


I wake up with an serious headache i never had before, i open my eyes and see myself tied up in a chair, inside an abandoned warehouse.

i cant believe this shit...I really got kidnapped. Why me?. Everytime i have a good time with Monte, this type of shit happens.

"I see you up already"

I look up and see this tall dude, he had an haircut and he was puerto rican i guess, he must been the man from last night,

"can you please release me, i dont have time for this"

"Wow, waking up with an attitude..i suggest you to watch your mouth, your man aint here so that means i can do whatever i want with you, that includes killing you...but if i do that i wont get what i want" he said with an smirk

"And what exactly is that?" he aint never gonna get it, if monte kills him first

"Taking over your man kingdom and you being my ride or die in the process, thats if i dont kill you"

When he said that a wave of saddnest/anger/furstration came over me.

"Rochelle when i take over cali you would be the icicng on the cake, trust me im never wrong." Im not even gonna trip cause i know Monte gonna save me and kill him....i know it

" Yo elizabetha come on out here" Seconds later elizabeth high yellow ass walked in what the hell she doin here?

"Hey rochelle its nice to see you tied up. away from my man of course". is this bitch serious

"Elizabeth i suggest you release me cuz either way, monte wont be with you" when i said that she punched me in the face

"Shut up! If i cant have cant either" and thats when she pulled out her gun

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