chapter 15

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Heres another chapter, i hope you enjoy it, if i made any mistakes forgive me


Im sitting here waiting for his response, he hasnt said anything since i dropped the news on him

"Trey please say something.."  the longer the silence the more angry i am

"TREY!!!.....say something" thats when he stood up and looked at me with some type of emotion

"Trish, what are we gonna do with a baby..huh?" He is really out of his damn mind for asking me that question

"What you mean What we gonna do with OUR baby, we gonna take care of it, trey are you fucking serious?" i dont even know who he is anymore

"Hell yea im serious, trish we not ready.....we gotta get rid of it" he sat down with his hands on his head. 

"What you mean get rid of it" this muthafucka must be crazy if he think im getting rid of my baby

"Abortion Trish"

"Fuck you trey, I dont even know your ass anymore!" and i left

I never though that we would end up like this. I've been with him for 3 1/2 years and we have been with each other through everything EVERYTHING FUCKING THING!. I dont even care anymore cause im not killing my baby just because we arent ready. This baby is my main priority besides his bitch ass.

When I pulled up my parents car was gone, like always. I walked inside and see rochelle

"Hey boo....whats wrong?" when she said that I bust out crying. When im around her I dont have to hold my tears, thats why I love her.

I told her everything that happen she was excited about the baby but she was disappointed at trey so she called monte so he can talk to him


After the fun this morning me and rochelle chilled for a bit then i took her to trish house. Seomthing goin on with trey cause he havent called me today. Need to see whats up with him

My beautiful calling me 

"Whats up beautiful" I know she blushing

"Hey baby, look you need to talk to your boy" damn i love it when she piss, but what that gotta do with trey

"Whoa tone that down, what about him?"

"Trish is pregnant and he is telling her to get an abortion, he's not doing his responsibility, so you being his bestfriend needs to talk to him" she said with an attitude

"Look rochelle, What they got going on aint got shit to do with us"

"It sure dont, but she is my friend and he is bein a ass hole!" She must grew another head or something

"Rochelle this my brother you talking about, watch your damn mouth!"

"No you watch your mouth, dont say anything to me until you talk to him and thats final" and she hung up on me...i got something for that ass

Damn she really not gonna say shit to let me go see trey ass

I got there and knocked on the door for about 3 minutes, i was about to leave until he finally opened the door

"Damn my nigga whats going on with you" He looked fucking depressed

"Man I dont know what to do"

"Whats goin on?"

"Trisha pregnant.." 


"What you mean ok?, if rochelle was preganant wouldnt you tell her to get an abortion" he said with an confused look

"Hell no, trey you know me better than that, and you know you fucking dumb for tellin her that" he stood up quick

"Look Im not ready to be a damn father man" he said with anger

"Oh so you gonna be like your pops, leaving the woman who was here for you" everytime someone brings him up trey starts to trip

"Dont bring that muthafucka up"

"Trey you doing the same thing your old man did"

"Fuck you Monte im nothing like him!" he said walking up to me

"Then be there for trina and your kid Nigga!"

"Look get out with bullshit i dont have time for!"

I dont feel like arguing so i left "Trey.. you making a big mistake"



Me Trish and my mother are having a good time eating popcorn and looking at movies to cheer her up, we were talking about my mom and Mr carter, i know my mother loves that man

"Rochelle..honey god knows i love your father, walking in the hospital and seeing some of my patients goin thru the same thing he went through made me want him back in this world here and now. I couldnt hold my tears any longer. Then Mr Carter came along and cheered me up and treated me like your father did, then i knew your father sent him down here for me" she said with tears in her eyes

"Awwww ma that is so wonderful" i said while me and trish was hugging her

"I know right, beautiful couple" trisha said with tears in her eyes

"Trish are you crying" i asked while laughing

"Girl just hormones"

"Baby how many months are you?" my mother asked her

"Ive been throwing up for about 2 months now, so i think im about 2" she said eating popcorn with yogart

"thats nice...Imma be a grandmother!!".

We were having a debation about if the baby was a boy or girl until we heard the bell ring. My mother went to go anwser the door and all i heard was Monte

"Rochelle baby Monte at the door" Trish knew i didnt want to talk to him so she told me to be good. I walked to the door and see him dressed in a white v-neck and true religion jeans

He looked so sexy, god knows i wanna attack him right here right now. Rochelle stop! bad girl

"I like the way you staring at me and not saying anything" he said with an smirk

"Shut up bighead...come here" he walked up to me, i put my arms around his neck then kissed him

"Monte im sorry I went off on you, I was just looking out for my friend, i hope you understand, and im sorry for talking about trey like that"

"Baby i understand  but thats non of our buisness and trey is my brother so I couldnt let you talk about him like that, just like you wouldnt want me to talk about trish..And imma get you for that mouth of yours" he said while smiling

"Whatever bighead" i said while laughing

"Whatever my ass, kiss me" and i kissed him then we chilled for 10 minutes and looked at the stars

-The day has been good so far..i guess

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