chapter 2

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Hi everyone here's chapter 2 please comment and vote, enjoy:)

Rochelle POV

Lord the school i call hell "Doris M. Johnson high school" smh. The reason i hate this school with a passion is because of the stares, the smart comments, and the fake people. They treat me like im some fat pig from the fucking streets and it erks me everytime like serioulsy, I havent done anything to these people. But you know what its alright cause im leaving this dump....thank god.

"well honey here we are and please try and have a good day", "Mother i will try *fake smile* just for you". "ok big booty judy love you", *laughing* "I love you too mom"

As im walking in school i see Falisha and her follwers.."hey fat bitch", and i said in a whisper"hey deep throat", "what you say bitch", "i didnt say nothing at all falisha *smiling*", "you better not have" and she walked away.

ok let me give yall a little detail, me and falisha basically knew each other since daycare. we were friends until 6th grade because she changed. She wanted to hang with the cool girls who were basically talking about me, calling me fat, how i look like an doo doo brown pig, and other things. she grew with their personality and start doing they same thing they waz doing. so we stop bein friends and that the last time i ever had a friend and i havent trust anyone every since she became a fake bitch. I bet one day she will be treated like trash, and everyone else who did me wrong. like the bible said" God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that he will also reap"

I walked to my first period which is English III. I come early so all eyes wont be on me when i walk in the class,i already get stares when i walk in the hallway and I love sitting in the back so people wont pay attention to me. Mrs Aaron just walked in and other classmates. "Hey Rochelle how you doin?", "im good mrs aaron what about you", "im good i see you glowing:), well class get your books out we about to read the native story on chapter 10", everyone in the class sighs exept me cause i love to read. 

My day waz alright as usual except for the rude people today this dude called me fat bitch because i bumped into him by accident, i wonder if he wants his daughter one day to date a guy just like him, stupid, ungrateful, and disrespectful. Imma pray for these people, I didnt tell the teachers i was leaving cause honeslty i dont care. IM LEAVING THIS PLACE FOR GOOD! hallelujah.

My mother picked me up and asked me how my day went, as usaual, i told her it was alright. My mother hates the fact that i dont try to talk to anyone. if she was in my stage in her high school days she wouldnt either.

Now we home, i walked in and see that our furniture and other things are out his house. im surprised. My mother wasnt palying when she said we about to bounce. "rochelle everything in your room is gone expect your life box so go ahead up stairs and get it so we can go", "ok mom". My life box is a box of memories of me my mom and my dad. thats one thing i dnt want anyone to touch cause its like a big diary full of pictures and some items. "Rochelle do you have everything?!", "Yes mom, im coming down.", I grabbed my bookbag and my box and went down stairs. I took one last glance at this house and for some reason something toldme this new life will be the time you are really happy. *beep *beep "rochelle honey lets go" . I closed the door, got in the car and smiled really hard so was my mom cause she knows im happy as hell lol we both put on our shades and drove away:)

Goodbye old, Hello new;)

-will she like california or will it be just like baltimore?

-is this new life gonna be as good as she expected? 

-please vote and comment, thank you

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