Chapter 24

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Im so sorry everyone ive been very busy lately, just to let yall know, your homegirl got accepted to 3 COLLEGES YAYYYY but besides that being in your senior year and working at the same time you dont really have time to update, so I apologize to everyone for me being MIA, I understand if you dont wanna read my book anymore cuz I take too long to update. But anyways here yall go. ENJOY!



"I got a call today saying there was a drive by on my corner, yall was there, so one of yall tell me what happened". Me and the dealers were in the discussin about what happened earlier today.

"I was handing a bag to a customer while they were looking around for 5-o , and about 10 seconds later this black car pulls up across the street and starts shooting at us, we were shooting back, thats when they drove away, before that they threw the paper outside their window", my worker Marcus said. I made him in charge of that corner.

"Everyone good except the new boy, he got hit in the chest", one of them said

"So where is he now?", I asked him

"Black took him to one of the rooms to clean him up", Marcus said

"Well it's a good thing yall didn't get caught...Go home tonight cuz the cops gonna be around the block asking questions and shit. Yall dismissed", they walked out closing the door behind them

This bitch nigga is starting to piss me off, you shoot at my workers, you threating to kill me, and you want my territory. He need to scrape the cum of his momma teeth before he think he's gonna get away with this shit.

Scarface not letting that happen


 "So you telling me, he wants to kill you and he also wants the territory... psh haha this nigga is really stupid if he thinks thats gonna happen." Trey said laughing.

"I know right and he said tell your ex I said thank you, as far as I know the last relationship I been in wasn't a real relationship. Right now I'm confused as hell". I told him passing the blunt

"Well rochelle was your ex for awhile, you dont think she did it do you?". He asked

"Hell no Rochelle not that damn stupid, she loves me too much for that, and she's too innocent, well a little." I said chuckling, believe it or not rochelle is a freaky virgin, a nigga be close to catching blue balls.

"Nigga she gave you some??". Trey asked surprisingly

"Na, not yet right now im inlove with my right hand." When I said that he moved the blunt back to his direction

"Nigga I'm just fuckin with you." I said chuckling.

"Mhm Whateva nigga, get the fuck out before trisha wakes up" he said taking a hit before passing it back.

"What she gonna do, beat your ass?" I asked chuckling

"Nope, but she gonna cuss my ass out if she see me smoking while she's here, man her hormones are driving me crazy." He said spraying around the room

"Haha aight, see you later nigga". I said dapping him

"Aight one" 

" One". I said before I walked out the door. For some reason I felt like my ass was being watched, so I got in the car took my pistol out the glove department and starting driving. 

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