chapter 22

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3 months later


Lord, 3 more mother is getting married, I cant believe her and Mr Carter gotten this far in there relationship. He has made her life much easier, he has catered to her, showed her love and affection. I pray he keeps this up to the point where Imma have another sibling lol. Lord I wanna say thank you for sending another man in my mother life, every since dad passed she has stopped herself from falling inlove again. I know you and my dad sent this man her way. And daddy you will always have a place in my heart no matter what, I know you want my mother to be happy like she used to, and I know you will always love her no matter who else she falls inlove with. And you know I will always be your babygirl. I love you daddy Rest in peace.    Amen.

"What you think about this one?" Me and my mother were looking at mermaid wedding gowns online.

"I like it, When are we actually going to a shop and try on dresses?" I asked her

"We will in a couple of days, all I need to do is find out how many men kenny wants" she responded. My mother gave Mr. Carter aka Kenneth a lovey dovey nickname, he hates it but deals with it:)

"Okay". We were looking more dresses then Mr. Carter walked in

"Hey lovely ladies, how are you today?" he hugged me and gave my mother a kiss

"We fine but we wanna know when are you gonna make up your mind about having groomsmen" she asked him

"Speaking of that I talked to them earlier, I told them to meet me at my house for dinner tonight, thats good?" he asked her

"Sure baby" then they started being all lovey dovey, very awkward so i left them quietly. There were times I missed moments like those but I need to remeber that I did it for the best.

My confidence has gotten better, I can honestly say that Monte has a big part in it. He has helped me love and accept myself for who I am, and how to stand up for myself. And I love him for all of that, but right now Im in a stage where I dont know how to act around him. The only time I see him is when we were in school, i take glances at him when he's not looking, thats the only time im a little closer to him, other than that we dont talk to each other.

"Hello?" I answered my phone

"Hey babes, what you doin?" Trisha asked me on the phone

"walking away from my mom and mr carter love scene" I responded

"oh lord, leave before you witness something, but anyways I cant find a outfit that fits me for tonight can you help me please pweeeaaaase" she begged

"Okay okay, Im on my way". I got in my car and headed to her house


"So what color you want to wear" I was looking through her closet

"Um did you see a red dress in there that I can wear with this big belly of mine?" she asked. Trish is now 6 1/2 months she's having a BOY yayyyyyy, her belly and homones are getting bigger everyday. Couple of days ago she cried while looking at barney, talking about she missed those days smh

"Not yet,but I have a question" I told her

"Whats up?"

"Why in the world you have all these formal dresses but never wore any of them?" I asked her. In the other side of her closet she got all these dresses, most of them with tags.

"Girl my father always have those dinners for his job and I always had to go so me and my mom would buy dresses that i liked and try them on". she shrugged

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