chapter 23

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A month later


"Eww Monte are you freaking serious?!" I asked coughing and laughing at the same time. Me and Monte were watching Poetic Justice (one of my fav's) chilling, until his ass farted, not quietly, loudly ugh.

"You know you like that aroma, it dont smell that bad". he said laughing then his phone started to ring.

"Whats up Black?..huh?..Im on my way man". He stood up and put his jacket on.

"Wait, where you going?". I asked him sadly. I really dont want him to leave.

"Beautiful, I gotta handle something quickly, dont worry I'll be right back". He kissed me and went out the door. I this house alone...again! Everyone is busy as always, Monte is gone, Trish is busy, and my mother and her husband having a good ass time.

Speaking of them. They are gonna be gone for about 2 weeks. You know newlyweeds gotta have their "indoor activities". I wanted to throwup when my mother told me that, but I got her point. Btw, the wedding was wonderful, masquerade ball was the theme. everyone had to wear a mask. I had a great time, specially with Monte by my side.

Well instead of sitting on my ass for the rest of the day, I'm about to go job searching.


McDonalds was the first place I stopped by, even though I don't wanna work there, while I was filling my application I saw Luiz limping towards me, what is he doing here? Before he could get any closer I took and my application and walked out the door.

"Rochelle wait!" he was walking faster, so I jogged. When that whole fiasco happened with him and elizabeth, I didnt want to see their faces ever again, specially his. Before I could drive out he got in the passenger side, now I could've sworn I locked my damn door before I got in this building.

"What do you want?!" I had my pepper spray aiming at his face. I know that wouldn't hardly help, but its good enough.

"Here me out Rochelle, you wont see me after this, I just wana say I apologize--

"For what?!. Hitting me non stop?, close to raping me? Is that it?!" Any time the situation is brought up I cant help but be angry and bitter about it. I'm sure yall would to if that has happened to you.

"Rochelle Im so sorry, I really am. I didnt realize how much I hurt you until Monte brung you in the dungeon. All I want you to do is forgive me..for everything that I've done, thats all Im asking".

I didnt want to forgive him, but when I saw the sorrow in his eyes I knew he was telling the truth. And I knew if I didnt I would have hatred towards him and his crazy ass cousin for the rest of my life.

"..Luiz, your forgiven. Please dont do something stupid like that again. I would hate for another girl to be in the same position I was in" I said lowering my pepper spray.

"I understand, thanks for giving me this chance". He was about to hug me until I aimed my pepper spray at him. He was forgiven and all but that didnt mean he had to touch me.

"You welcome Luiz". Then he got out my car, but he came back

"Btw Rochelle, dont let elizabeth get to your head", He said before leaving.

"I won't ". I started my car and drove out of McDonalds. His apology got me thinking, will elizabeth ever apologize for what she has done and stop being crazy or continue to have hatred towards me?



Whenever Black calls me I know it has something to do with my money or my throne. And its not a good call.

"Yo Black what's the problem?" I asked him.

"We had a drive by today at the corner of West North Venice and the one of the muthafuckas had the nerve to throw a goddamn note before driving off". he said angrliy

"What the fuck you mean we had a drive by?!". I was fucking furious, how in the hell you gonna shoot at one of my workers on my damn territory? Hell Nah that don't roll around here.

"Scarface those young cats said that they just came out of the damn blue, and they so damn stupid that they have a their license plate number on the car and you know thats a dumb ass thing to do while shooting." he said showing me their license plate number.

"They from the Bronx, why in the hell would ppl from the-- wait a minute, do you think they are connected with those dudes we killed a couple months ago?"

"Idk man...they probably rose from the dead or something" He gotta be fuckin kidding me -_-

"...Nigga is you serious? know what dont even answer that, do you have the letter?". He gave me this evenlope with a little blood on it, I think these niggas trynna be aaliyah or something, sending me a 4 page letter and shit.

Scarface or whateva the fuck your name is you killed my hermano Emiliano, do you remember him? He was one of the dudes that you killed a couple of months ago. You think you gonna get away with that perra? Huh? Well just know I'm gonna kill you and your fucking familio, this is not threat its a promise. And Imma take over your territory,trust me, you will see that from hell. see you soon fuck boy. Btw tell your ex bitch I said thank you.

"What does it say?". Black asked.

"He wants me and my family head, this nigga gotta come through me in order for that to happen. Call Trey, Cole and everybody else here for a meeting we got some shit to discuss".

As Black was doing his thang, I couldnt help but think about this shit. Why in the hell is he just now coming after me and that shit happened a couple of months ago.  And what in the fuck did he mean tell my ex bitch I said thank you?...Some bitch is on his side, i just need to figure out who.

Shit I need a blunt.


-oh god, Monte got some serious buisness to handle

-luiz was very kind for that <3

Hey everyone, did you like the chapter?. I been up here since 4:35 am lol I didnt want to sleep knowing I wasnt finished.



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