chapter 4

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if i made any mistakes forgive me, enjoy:)

"TickTock im watching the clock, i cant wait til we get rock, i wanna scream and dream and throw a love parade is that ok?, tonight is me and you alone wont make a--"

im waking up and cut my alarm off, then it just occured to goin to my new school today.

i picked out my gray "ya bish" sweater, my black jeggings, my gray combat boots, and my bra and panties. i went to the bathroom did my hygiene thing put my clothes on, put on my gold bamboo earrings and combed my black medium length hair. hmm i dont look bad for a big girl

I went downstairs, and my mother is eating cereal in her uniform, "good moring rochelle"

"good morning mom, you glowing", while grabbing me an apple

"thank you girl im ready to work, i love new patients....oh and imma drive you to school today"

"ok, im ready"

"what about breakfast?"  

"i have an apple"......she staring at me...."mom im good besides imma eat at lunch"

"ok, just making sure, and dont worry about today you will be good, and dont let no one push you around like those girls at home...we in california, show them who's boss"

"you know sometimes i think you my age sometimes, but i still love you",i say while laughing

"im a cool mom and you know it, now lets get going we have stuff to do"


"here we are, have fun and dont be too shy ok?"

"imma try", i kissed her on the cheek

"love you and imma pick you up"

"ok love you too", she left, a ton of weight just fell on my sholders, but she right i can at least get out my shell a little bit and dont be too shy.

i walk in the building and some people where looking at me, i felt like i was on a stage just then smh. i went to my locker that was on my schedule and this lightskin girl walked up to me smiling

"hi my name is trisha, i know you new here, whats your name?"

"uh my name is rochelle"

"hi rochelle, your pretty and you seem nice, wheres your next class?"

"um US history with Mr. Dixon"

 "good me and you have that class together"

me and her walking down the hallway and i just noticed she had a body like mine but she was about 2 inches taller than me and bright. people were staring at us. i started to feel uncomfortable.

"i hate the stares"

"girl dont worry about these people they gonna stare cause you new but dont worry about they will get used to seeing you, so where are you from?"

"im from baltimore city, maryland, are you from here?"

"im from compton, but i moved here my freshman year, this school aint that bad except for some people, im glad i now have a friend who is similar to me", she said smiling hard.

"who is this friend", im just wondering

"you, silly girl", she just hugged me tight before we walked inside, that was awkward, im starting to like her

we walked in class and the bell rung, and this tall, young looking white man with a suit on just walked in, he must be the teacher."whats up students we gonna talk about world war 1 and 2 today but i gotta introduce some--"

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