chapter 7

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"The fuck"

my phone ringing and shit

"Who the fuck is this?!"

"Nigga its trey why the fuck you yelling?" he asked questionally

"cause nigga its too fucking early to be calling me?!" i was mad as hell

"nigga it 12:30, where the hell you been?"

I look at the clock and it says 12:31, damn i slept that long?

"damn, well nigga what you want?"

"yo imma pick you up and we goin to moms house she has to tell us something"

"why she didnt call me?" i walked in the bathroom and cut the shower on

"She figured you was busy, now hurry your as up" this nigga was laughing

"haha fuck you" after that i hopped my ass in the shower


We at my moms house. we knocked on the door and she opens it and slighty smiles, i wonder whats important

"Hey ma" me and trey said at the same time, my mother is like a mom to trey

"hey my babies come in"

we walk in and it smell like vanilla, she gonna have me walking out the house smelling like a woman smh

"So ma whats up, you alright?"

"i just wanted to see my boys" I know she was lying

"Ma you only call us when you have a big dinner, forreal whats goin on?" shit i wanted to know now

"well......i went to the breast cancer center to get an mammogram for the first time and so happens i might have breast cancer" she was looking at us crying

Right then and there my fucking head was spinning, I was speechlees and fucking confused. I mean my mother hasnt done anything wrong in her life as far as I know. And she worked all the time to make sure i can eat and have clothes on my back around the time my brother and father passed. And on top of that she took care of trey when he was going through things in his life. Why my mother gotta go through this shit?

i didnt know what to do so i just stood up and hugged her, trey joined me

"Im gonna be alright, all we have to do is pray......ok?" she still crying, i aint gonna lie me and trey were too

"Ma do you need anything"

"i just want yall to pray for me, and dont let this news distract yall from living yall lives, imma be alright god got me" she hugged us real tight

"ma just relax for now, im gonna heat you up soemthing real quick" i sat  her down while trey went to do what he was gonna do

Man this shit is crazy, i still cant believe it

"Ma i love you" i kissed her on the forehead

"I love you too baby"

I walked in the kitchen and see trey heating her up some soup

"Yo she gonna be alright, i jjust know it"

"i know man......i know"



"Oh my god trisha you look good" Me and trisha went to the nail salon and got our nails done now we at the hair salon, trisha has her hair in spiral curls, the girl was looking good

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