chapter 17

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Had problems with my computer yall, she caught a virus now its fixed lol now im back on the road so do me a favor vote and comment:) Diamond (the girl Monte slept with) in the description


Yall probably think I sound clingy but Monte hasn't call or text me last night or this morning like he usually does and I'm starting to worry so I decided to stop by his crib

I knocked on his door, he finally opened it. By the way he looks I wonder how many drinks he had

"Hey beautiful what you doing here?". He got some nerve to ask me that crazy question

"What I'm doing here? 1st of all you haven't called me last night or this morning to tell me you were ok 2nd of all me being your girlfriend, there shouldn't be a problem why I'm here"

"I'm sorry baby I just got an headache". Now I know something really wrong with him, the Monte I know would've responded with an smartass comment. but imma just ignore that

"Aww you want me to fix you something to eat?"

"Yea that would be good". and we kissed, before I got up he stopped me

" love me right?"

"Monte you know I do, why you ask me that?"

"....nunthn, just asking" and he kissed me. Wonder what that was about


I feel so bad right now. I cant tell her right now, its the wrong time.

I know yall probably saying that I'm a fucking fool for kissing her knowing I fucked another girl the night before. but tbh I don't give a fuck what yall say. All I'm worrying about is how the fuck I'm gonna tell her.

"Baby the food is ready!"

I walked in the kitchen and see some fluffy pancakes, scrambled eggs, fruit salad, and some sausages. Seeing that smile on her face is making me feel 2times guilty

"Monte? baby come and eat". We sat down and ate, I really had no words to say

"Sooo how was trey birthday party?" damn

" was aight, he was turnt up as usual". I don't even want to think about that party

"Mhm seems like you was turnt up also..did any girl try to dance with you?

"Yea why? You don't trust me or something?"

"Monte I didn't say that, you the one assuming, if you danced with one im ok with that, as long you didn't touch her in a sexual manner or slept with her". I chocked on my food when she said that

"Monte you ok baby?" she asked

"Yea-yea im good I gotta go to the bathroom real quick".my mind cant function right now I gotta call trey

"Yo?" he must have been sleep

"Yo trey man you home?"

"Yea whats up?"

"Imma see you there at 30 minutes". And I just hung up. I walked out the bathroom and see Rochelle curled up in the couch looking at tv

"Rochelle baby I gotta handle something at the trap"

"Monte are you serious I wanted us to go to the carnival today" she said whining

"I'm sorry beautiful imma make it up to you ok. bye. love you," I kissed her and escorted her to a dark blue car. I need a blunt and fast.



"Guys I don't know what's goin on with him, he is acting weird and its making me mad"

When Monte basically kicked me out his home I called Trisha so I can tell her and my mom about my problem

"Baby he probably just going through something with his mom, since she sick and all" my mom said getting ready for work

"He probably need space or something aint no telling, just give him some space for awhile". Trish said while eating a pickle with ice cream, pregnancy cravings aint no joke

"Yea he probably need some space...Well he better not shut me out for long". I'm really worried

"Honey it will be ok he just going through some things, now I'm going to work don't burn my house down, Trish there's food in the fridge whenever you hungry. Bye girls love yall" my mom said while walking out the door

"God I love your mother" Trish said while looking through the cabinets

"Its funny how you eating a lot and you look the same size. Instead of your belly". Her belly was getting bigger everyday and she isn't stressing like she was last month

"I know right, well my ass and my breast getting bigger, but its whatever" she said while smiling

"Well baby mama you wanna go to this carnival or what?" I said while looking for my keys

"Yayy I want some funnel cake!" all I could do was laugh


We been at this carnival for less than an a minute and trish already rushing me to get to that funnel cake singing "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea. Something is wrong with her but I love her (p.s. yall need to listen to that song its the ish!)

We didn't get on rides since she was pregnant but we did play some games and won some prizes now we decide to take an break

"Girl last time I been to a carnival I was visiting my grandma in Las Mareas, Puerto Rico" she said eating her funnel cake

"I never been to one, there wasn't any carnivals in Baltimore city"

"Dang Baltimore sound boring as h--" she was about to finish until Elizabeth strolled over here with an dark-skin girl with long black hair

"Well hey bitches its nice seeing yall here" Elizabeth said with an smile on her face. I can see some of the marks I left on her face. I don't mind adding some more

"What you want Elizabeth, we don't have time for your shit" Trish said while rolling her eyes

"Oh nothing just wanna say congratulations on the baby, I'm so rude Rochelle and Trisha this is Diamond, Diamond this is Monte girl Rochelle and this is her friend Trisha" she said with an smirk

This girl must be really important if she introducing her to us.

"OH so you Monte girl?" she said while smirking

"Yea I am what does that have to do with you?"

"Mmm nothing I never though he would be with someone your size" she said while laughing. I was about to bust her face until Trish stopped me

"Rochelle lets go these bitches aint worth it" and we were heading out

"Bye Rochelle, see you soon" she said while laughing with that bitch ass Elizabeth

If I see her ass again, trust me she will meet my fist

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