chapter 5

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Hey everyone heres another chapter, if i made any mistakes forgive me. just to let u know imma say this in every chapter lol enjoy. MONTE IN THE DESCRIPTION:)


"Whats up girl i like that outfit, you rockin it, snap snap" trisha said

"thank you trisha, you dont look bad yourself". I had on an red long sleeve t-shirt with an aztec cardigan, with some high waisted jeans and some red flats with my hair in a bun. Trisha had on a purple shirt with a black blazer and black skinny jeans with some combat boots.

we where chilling before the bell ring

"well thank ya, i do my best" trisha said while popping her collar "so how do you like the school so far?"

"well i didnt have any problems going to my classes and a plenty of people were being nice so, i like it so far"

"im glad you do, oo here are some of my friends, hey hoes over here!!" trisha said loudly

"Call me a hoe one more time whats wrong with you trish" this dark one said

"she too damn hyper", the bright one said,

"hoes shut up, yall this my new friend rochelle, rochelle hoe 1 is kelly and hoe 2 is elizabeth" trisha said while smiling. elizabeth looked mexican and she was skinny, kelly was an average weight and she was dark skin.

"Hey rochelle my name is kelly, not hoe 1, please dont listen to this girl, she will get you in trouble"

"im elizabeth, by the way i love that outfit you working it" elizabeth while smiling

" thank you"rochelle said smiling

"ok yall we need to get to class the bell about to ring in 3 minutes, see yall hoes later" elizabeth said

"bye hoe, bye rochelle see you around" kelly and elizabeth said

"well they are nice"

"yea they are but they still hoes to me" elizabeth said while laughing

we where walking in class and that Monte dude was looking at me, again! hes been doing that every since i came to this school, im starting to get irritated.

"rochelle you ok, you look salty" trisha said chuckling

"im ok, im just tired of him looking at me like seriously"

"Good morning class, how you are you".....silence......"well never mind, i see yall not in a mood, look i will put all of you in a group of 4 and you all will write an report on the 1st cabinet, bank of us, and the whiskey rebellion and it should be done by the end of class."

he's a nice teacher but he gives up alot of work smh

"rochelle, travis, trisha, and Monte yall are in a group. and boys dont let the girls do all the work"

omg i have to work with the dreadhead oh lord, inhale exhale breath rochelle breath

"yayy we in groups together but i dont like travis ugh"

"whats up trisha, um whats your name" travis said pointing at me

"my name is rochelle"

"well whats up rochelle, im travis an this my boy monte", This boy is just sitting there not saying anything and looking like he bored

"so who gonna write this wateva we suppose to talk about?"travis said

"ugh stupid we suppose to find information first" trisha said with an atiitude

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