chapter 13

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I finally have my baby back, im just sitting here watching her sleep. God she so beautiful, i hope she realizes that.

When we got here i went straight to the bathroom to clean her up, i think she done lost some of her self confidence since that bitch elizabeth and her bitch ass cousin tried to beat her to death. A good thing i didnt kill them cause i got some tourture to do.But right now im worrying about rochelle.

"Please dont..." i look up and see her tossing and turning, i guess she having a nightmare

"Monte save me...." i went by her side and held her til her nightmares fade

"Baby im right here, you safe now, stop crying"  she finally stopped. 

"Is she awake?" trey walked in

"Naw man, she just had a nightmare, i got something for those muthafuckers" i pissed all over again

"Shit i want a piece of that action, but yo can trish sit in here with her?"

"yea, i gotta go do something anyway" 

Trish walked in liked she had tears in her eyes, trey pulled her aside and kissed her, smh nasty. we just sat there in silence looking at rochelle sleep,she looks so beautiful when she sleeps

"you love her dont you?" trisha asked looking up at me

"You already know" she knows i love her even though i never told her

"Yea i do....look i know you love her, but im tellin you right now..please dont break her heart. She goin through all this stuff she never been through before and she still with you, that lets you know she is your true ride or die." 

What she said was deep but she right, when people were shooting at us on our first date i thought she was gonna  leave me but she didnt. and i love her for that.

"I know, thats why i love her for me i gotta go see someone". I kissed rochelle before i left


I went where i needed to go. knocked on the door and the maid anwsered it

"Hey aldeala is Kenneth here?" she pointed to the living room

"Young blood you know better than to call me by my government name" this man is one who introduced me and trey  to the streets and made us tougher. and basically like a father to us

"Whats up Carter havent talked to you in while" we did our brotherly hug 

"You sure havent, the only time you wanna talk to me is when you have problems, lets go to my office"  he said while laughing

"Nigga you sounding like a doctor and shit"

"Young blood i am a doctor" he said while laughing

Yea he really is, he used to be a druglord in comptom and with that money he used for medical school and became a doctor so he wouldnt do illegal stuff like he used to. Ands that what i plan on doing when i graduaute, imma use my money for tuition and become a surgeon but depends on how i feel.

"So whats up man, whats goin on" i had alot to tell

"Man shit been crazy" i told him all about the puerto rican dudes shooting at me and rochelle and how they kidnapped her and shit.

"Wait, hold on whats this girl last name?"

"Johnson...why you asked?"

"Young blood thats my womans you the monte she's been talking about" he was looking at me smirking

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