chapter 18

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"What's up beautiful"

"Hey Monte.." 

"Whoa what's with the cold shoulder?"

" what's up?"

"Rochelle cut the attitude, I wanted us to spend the whole day together just me and you" Did I hear him correctly?

"Yes Rochelle you heard me, just me and you" he said while laughing

"Really Monte?" I said excitedly

"Yes beautiful, now hurry up Ill be there in 15 minutes" when he said that I started to pick out some clothes

I was mad and happy at the same time because I wanted to see him and he has been distance lately. He doesn't know what I've been through these couple of days

When that girl diamond said she couldn't see me with someone like him, Its been stuck in my head all day. and sometimes I can see him with someone that's skinny, someone that can wear a swimsuit without being self conscious.

And this question been popping in my head nonstop..."Why he wanna be with big girl like me, while he can be with someone like her?"

I want the love he gave me when we first met, and for some reason it was starting to fade away, I hate feeling this way That's why I'm glad he decided to spend time with me today.

I decided to wear tupac and biggie sleeveless shirt with acid wash jeans and my black sandals and have my hair out.

When I finished my hygiene and got dressed I heard a knock on my door, I know its him.

"Hey beautiful". He looked fine af, he had  a purple and black weed t-shirt, dark blue jeans and Gucci shades with black history KD's.

"Hey love, let me get my phone real quick" I went to get my phone from upstairs, when I came back down stairs I over heard him talking on the phone.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut and stop calling my fucking phone". and he hung up, I wonder who that was

"baby you ok?". I asked him

"Yea-yea beautiful I'm good, you ready?" he said with some type of emotion

"Yea I am" then we headed out the door


"Baby I cant believe you actually bought those tickets, I love you so much!" I said while kissing him

He took me to a Kendrick Lamar concert! He knows how much I love KingKendrick. He performed so well. his group members from TDE was there, BJ the Chicago kid was also there. I had so much fun!

"So baby where are we going next?"

"Wherever you want beautiful". he said with that beautiful deep voice and full pink lips

"Lets go to Froyo's!" I said excitedly, in case you guys don't know froyo's is an frozen yogart joint, best place ever

"Your wish is my command" and he kissed me. I missed those beautiful lips of his.

We got to froyos I decicded to get the cheesecake,cookies and cream, and topped it off with graham crakers, whipped cream, and 3 cherries. Monte decided to get the keylime flavor and chocolate with peanuts, and gummy bears, him being the nasty person he is, he mixed it all together. ugh!

"Monte that is so disgusting how can you eat that". I said with an disgusted face

"Baby you don't know nothing about this, want some?". he tried to force it in my mouth

"Ewww get that disgusting thing away from me monte". I said while laughing and that's when my phone started to ring


"Rochelle my baby kicked!!". Trish said loudly

"Oh my god, are you serious? or Its just gas?". Monte looked at me like I was crazy

" Rochelle I'm dead serious I felt his kick" she said excitedly

"How do you even know if its a boy?". Monte phone was ringing form an unknown number he went outside to answer it

"Idk but we will find out next month, anyways how is you and monte's date?"

"Its so fun we went to Kendrick Lamar concert now we at froyos". I said while smiling

"Oo! go get me some cookies and cream with peanuts cherries gummy bears with caramel and butterscotch!".

"Eww no Trish, matter of fact imma bring you here tomorrow deal?".

"Deal, ok I love you girl".

"Love you too". Then we hung up, when I looked outside Monte looked annoyed and kinda angry at the same time before he walked inside. Its probably the person from this morning 

"Baby you ok?". I asked with concern

"Yea beautiful I'm good, you ready I lost my appetite". For some reason his whole mood has changed

"Yea we can go, but I don't feel like going home"

"Ok we can go to my crib". and we headed out the door on our way to his house


When we arrived there we started talking about our fathers. He told me that his brother and his father died but he didn't tell me that it was an car crash.

We talked about my life before I came down here and we were telling each other how we felt about each other. I know yall think thugs don't express there feelings, but it takes the right person to let that happen.

"Imma go change real quick beautiful, don't go no where". he said while kissing me

Now that I think about it all these months we been together Monte has not pressured me to have sex with him, not even once. I wanna show him how much I love him And I think now is the time.

Before I headed on the second floor his phone was vibrating. By the time I walked back to the couch the person left an voicemail. Me checking it aint a problem since I've been through his phone before

"you have 1 message *beep*: Monte this is diamond again I don't like the fact that you acting like you don't want me, you wasn't acting like that the night after Trey's party I will keep agitating you until you leave that bitch for me and If you don't tell her about what happen that night, I will and that's a promise *beep*

Wtf? Did I hear this shit correctly? I don't even know what the fuck to say right now

"Beautiful you look loss whats wrong?"

"..........Monte...did you sleep with her?". That's all I could say

 "Sleep with who baby, who you talking about?"

Now that I think about it, I know why that bitch diamond been acting the way she was around me even though she didn't know me. It was because she had feelings for monte and from what she said , she claim she slept with him the night of treys party. I wanna know the fucking truth.

"Monte..... I want the truth and only the truth...did you sleep with diamond?. Yes or no?".

When he frowned I knew for a fact he slept with her. right then I couldn't hold my tears any longer

"Rochelle baby let me explain--"

"Monte...just leave me alone right now"

"Look baby just wait--"

"MONTE!...... I. need. space." And I just walked out the door. I don't know where I was going or where I wanted to go. I just walked like my life depended on it. I needed to be from everything.

...I still cant believe this shit

Damn the truth if finally out, except monte didn’t tell her

Diamond is a bitch

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