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Ok so I wrote this book almost 3 years ago when I was super depressed and it was my way to cope. Heads up it's a really sad book filled with a lot of dark things. Trigger warning.

Mikey's POV
Today the playlist tour is starting. We're in the bus on the way to the hotel. Bryce is here. Recently I've had feelings for him. Feelings that I shouldn't have. It's now night, and everyone has just left to get dinner and go shopping. Everyone but me and Bryce. To take my mind off of Bryce, I decide to take a shower. When I get out I have nothing but a towel on. As I'm getting ready, I see Bryce come in the bathroom. Is he coming for me? Bryce comes into the bathrooms. He grabs my arms. Will he kiss me? Nope. He's just moving me to get to his toothbrush. He can see my blushing. He's done brushing his teeth. I approach him slowly. I can tell he is hesitant. "What the...." I hear him whisper. "I just can't hold it back anymore." I see the look of confusion in his eyes. I grab his head, and smash my lips into his. He pulls back at first, but eventually gives in. This was the best moment of my life. The moment I had been waiting for. But of course, all good things come to an end. We heard the door to the bus open and voices. At first I don't care, but Bryce pulls away and runs to his bed before anyone sees him. I closed the bathroom door. I couldn't do anything but smile. I kissed Bryce Hall.

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