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Mikey's POV
"Where am I?!" I scream as I shoot up from the bed I was laying in. I look around to see that I'm in a hospital room. I replayed the last thing I remembered in my head. I start shaking as tears roll down my cheeks. Loud sobs escape my mouth. A nurse rushes in saying, "oh you're awake!" She runs out, I'm assuming to go get a doctor, leaving me alone. All I can see is Bryce's beautiful smile. The way he traces circles on my bare stomach when he gets bored. How he betrayed me, hurt me, and left me. I sobbed harder at the thought of that. A doctor walks in and stops dead in his tracks once he sees the state that I'm in. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks. "None of your goddamn business." I say calming down. "Okay.... well do you know how this happened to you?" He asks, pointing down to my side. "It- It was my boyfriend." I reply softly. "Okay, and what did he do to you?" "He kicked me." "I see. Where can I contact this boyfriend of yours?" "I don't wanna tell you. I don't want him to get in trouble. He did it because of me. Just don't worry about it." I reply. "Well okay then. You can leave whenever you want, you were out for eight days. Your side is healed now." He said. I just stand up and walk right out of the hospital, realizing I don't have a car, or my phone, or my wallet. So I guess I just have to walk home.

Once I reach my house, I collapse on the couch, clutching my side from the pain I was feeling from the walking. I hear footsteps come down the stairs, as Bryce's face peeks around the corner. "Oh my god baby boy you're home!" He yells running over to me. "Bryce what the hell are you doing?" I ask. "What?" He asks. "Get out of my house. We're done this time. You took it too far." "Baby boy no...." "GET THE HELL OUT!" I scream while tears stream down my cheeks. "I'm sorry but I can't leave. I can't trust you alone." He says. "Why the hell would you care if I killed myself? You treat me like garbage anyway!" I say. "Fine. Go fucking kill yourself. I don't care anymore." He says, with a tear slipping out of his eye. "I WILL!" I scream as he slams the door as he exits my house. "Hey Mikey, I just want you to know, that if you kill yourself, I'm gonna kill myself too." He says through the door before walking off.

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