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Mikey's POV
Me and Bryce are just sitting in the room kissing. We know there are people in the bus, but we don't care. He moves to my neck. I let out a moan. I hope nobody heard me. I know I'll have hickeys tomorrow. They were already all over my torso. And his. The next thing I knew, someone entered the room. I turn around to see Bradlee standing in the doorway. He instantly exits the room. I can hear conversation outside. "Wtf did you just see in there?" I heard Mark say. "I just walked in on Mikey and Bryce. Kissing." I heard dead silence. I just looked at Bryce. He just giggled and continued to kiss me. I love him. I love Bryce. We get dressed and decide to go join the others. We hold hands as we explained. I began to cry a little. I couple tears rolled down my face. Nobody noticed until I sniffed. I instantly feel Bryce's warm hand wiping the tears. I just hug him while he explains the rest. Everyone seems pretty accepting. Nobody said anything. They just nodded. I could see a tear roll down Bryce's cheek. We just hug and sit there. I don't want to move. There was only us in the room. Everyone else was in bed. "Bryce" I whispered. "Yeah baby" he replied. Baby. He called me baby. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He whispered. He was done crying. I was almost sobbing. I was scared. Scared my of what our friends and family will think. What our fans will think. I cried myself to sleep that night. Right there with Bryce, my head on his chest. When I woke up, he was as awake. I began to cry again.  "Hey. Stop." He said while he wiped my tears. I stopped crying and got in the shower. The next thing I knew Bryce was behind me. Wrapping his hands around my waist.

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